Understand what is required to be an effective and efficient HR professional.
AC 1.1 Evaluate what it means to be an HR professional with reference to the CIPD’s most current Profession Map.
Maximum score2
1.1 PASS A good start! Well done you have identified one item from each, to include Core Knowledge, Core Behaviour and Specialist Knowledge. You have made clear why these are important To improve your answer even more you could provide more detail here in why these areas in particular are important to success and to professional working in the area you describe. Always push yourself to be even more specific with your answers. For example why did you choose these areas in particular? Why are these particularly relevant to success.
2 / 2
1 Understand what is required to be an effective and efficient HR professional.
AC 1.2 Describe the elements of group dynamics and
conflict resolution methods.
Maximum score2
1.2 REFER This is not quite right Mustafa as you need to provide both an example of theory (a model) and of application too. For your conflict examples, although correct in principle , you could also refer to theory here too DEVE?LOPMENT Please discuss a model for team dynamics e.g. Tuckmans model and, with reference to an example, show how this was applied to a team you worked with
1 / 2
2 Be able to perform efficiently and effectively as an HR professional.
AC 2.1 Apply project management techniques.
Maximum score2
2.1 PASS You have outlined a project your have been involved with and have then clearly described two project management tools that you could use. Again this is demonstrated a knowledge of the practical application of some of the tools you have learnt through the course material You have shown how these tools were used in the project you describe which again demonstrates both an understanding of business models and application of these models in practice.
2 / 2
2 Be able to perform efficiently and effectively as an HR professional.
AC 2.2 Apply problem-solving techniques.
Maximum score2
2.2 PASS You have clearly shown how problems were resolved during the project, with reference to a specific technique. Good use and application of theory here, which demonstrates your understanding at a deeper level.
2 / 2
2 Be able to perform efficiently and effectively as an HR professional
AC 2.3 Apply a range of methods for influencing, persuading and negotiating with others.
Maximum score2
2.3 REFER this is not quite right Mustafa, as you need to address this part clearly and specifically ACTIONS Please describe, using examples of each, how you persuaded, influenced and negotiated
1 / 2
3 Be able to apply CPD techniques to construct, implement and review a personal development plan.
AC 3.1 Undertake a self-assessment of HR professional practice capabilities to identify continuing professional development needs.
Maximum score2
3.1 PASS Well done you have provided a clear self assessment by evaluating your competence again each of the three key areas of Core Knowledge, Core Behaviour and Specialist Knowledge. Well done You have used the CIPD professional map to do this which is good as it provides a clear structure and can be referred to again as you progress
2 / 2
3 Be able to apply CPD techniques to construct, implement and review a personal development plan.
AC 3.2 Produce a plan to meet personal development objectives based on an evaluation of different options.
Maximum score2
3.2 PASS You have clearly given some thought to your PDP, setting some clear objectives. These objectives seem sensible in relation to the gaps you have identified in your self assessment and how you will meet your identified learning and development needs Constantly review to consider and even wider range of activities to achieve the goals you have set. You could consider different ways in which you could develop the skills you require It is advised to perhaps review the timescales set regularly to ensure you are on track and to highlight early any potential issues in achieving them withfktin the time you have set