Assignment: Forensic Psychology Roles in Policing Contexts

A context is a surrounding or environment that affects and influences how people interact, what they do, and how they adjust and change. Police professionals developed because of the change in the contexts of where and how people were living. In the late 19th century, due to the Industrial Revolution, London’s militia was responsible for controlling the level of crime. However, since crime was on the rise and the militia appeared ineffective, a need arose for something new. Sir Robert Peel developed the Metropolitan Police Force (thereafter known as “bobbies” or “peelers”), which consisted of constables and inspectors. In the United States, police forces also developed along with industrialization and population growth. As contexts changed, demands changed and police became more specialized in their duties and assignments. As a result, forensic psychology professionals also became more specialized in their tasks. They continue to work alongside police professionals, within a multitude of contexts, and contribute to their successes and help improve their operations. Today, forensic psychology professionals serve a number of roles in an internal context—aiding police operations, administration, and servicing police officers through training, support, and evaluation. They also have roles in external contexts—helping police interact with the community, schools, courts, and diverse populations.

To prepare for this assignment:

  • Review Chapter 2 in the course text, Introduction to Forensic Psychology: Research and Application. Focus on the similarities and differences between the internal and external roles of a forensic psychology professional.
  • Review the assigned chapters in Psychology and Policing. Think about the various internal and external contexts of police work and the different roles of forensic psychology professionals within these contexts.
  • Review the article, “A Psychological Force Behind the Force,” including the sub pages. Note the different roles within various internal and external contexts of police work.
  • Select two roles that a forensic psychology professional may have when working with police. (These roles should be different from the ones that you used in this week’s Discussion.)
  • Think about the similarities and differences between these roles within internal and external contexts of police work.

The assignment (1 page):

  • Describe two roles that forensic psychology professionals have when working with police. (These roles should be different from the ones that you used in this week’s Discussion.)
  • Compare the roles (similarities and differences) including how they pertain to internal and external contexts of police work. Be specific and provide examples.

Analyze the insights and/or conclusions you had because of this comparison