Task Description:
Persuasive communication is a key skill needed in finance. This task provides an opportunity to practice written persuasive communication, as well as apply knowledge of equity markets and research information.
Accordingly, this task asks you to create a 2000 word report of a persuasive ‘stock pitch’. You will be allocated a company to research in Week 8. You have 3 weeks to research the company and devise a ‘stock pitch report’, as you would do as a financial analyst making a recommendation to your investment board. Drawing on annual financial statements, stock price data and other reports/news, you will analyse the company based on the information you collect, and make a BUY, HOLD or SELL recommendation. Note that as a first-year course, you are not required to value the company, you will acquire these skills in subsequent finance courses.
Useful resources include: the Bloomberg terminals, Yahoo Finance, ASX or other stock exchange, Google, etc.
- The table over the page provides a list of data for you to research and collect. All reports must include this data as a minimum. You can include more data and information as appropriate to your company. You can present data as tables, graphs, charts, etc.
- Each report needs to provide an overview of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) for your company.
- Each report needs to include and justify a BUY, HOLD or SELL recommendation. The justification forms a substantial proportion of your marks.
- Based on the information you’ve collected and wider research, formulate a persuasive report of a maximum of 2000 words. Remember that the report needs to have structure (introduction, body, conclusion) and logical flow.
Marking Criteria: The guide for marking is provided over the page. This sets out the criterion and standards that are required for particular levels of performance (and therefore marks). You should study these rubrics closely in order to understand what is required and how you will be marked for your work. Referencing should follow APA guidelines.
Submission: Details regarding submission will be provided in the Assessment 2 section on L@G. Files must be named as follows: [family name]_[student number]_Assessment2. If there are any technical issues experienced please contact the course convenor. All assessment items need to have a completed assignment cover sheet, a digital version is provided on L@G.