Imagine that you are working with a group of young people who have physical disabilities and are experiencing social isolation. You have been asked to design a program that provides them with an opportunity to interact socially with other young people that have the same disabilities and find ways to communicate their experiences.

Write a report, which includes a program design that addresses the following issues:

  • Needs of the client group
  • Program resources
  • Implementation systems and procedures
  • Feedback and complaint procedures
  • Evaluation and continuous improvement process
  • Accountability and governance
  • Funding framework

Your report should seek to answer the following questions:

  • How will you ensure that there is consumer participation in decisions impacting the program planning process?
  • Are there are any collaborative arrangements you could make with other services in your program plan? Give an example of what documentation you will use to formalise
  • Are there any legal and regulatory framework considerations you need to keep in mind in your program design?
  • Are there any risks that you foresee in the implementation of your program?
  • Are there any specific diverse or multi-faceted needs and issues of the client group to consider when approaching service providers?

In order to pass this Assessment, your report should be at least 1,500 words and have appropriate headings to cover the above requirements. Your report should also include appropriate Appendices of workplace documentation used in the community services sector to  demonstrate your understanding of developing, implementing and evaluating a service program.

The young people who have physical disabilities deserve an environment where they can interact socially with other young people who have similar disabilities and find ways to communicate their experiences. The program to be developed will include special education for them such that their inclusion is regarded a priority.

Need for the Client Group

In schools, students with physical disabilities significantly impact academic chores that need learning tasks requiring concentration and well-organized energy, such as comprehension, comprehensive studies, and diction, are not significantly impacted. If the student shows any of these symptoms and signs, then the right practices and interventions should be adopted (Halliday, 2017). The family has to play a role in identifying such a student. It can be overwhelming for the family members since they continuously touch all things, engage all people, and emotionally unstable. The family members have to be regularly alert in the presence of students that have such disorders. The family members frequently become reactive when such behaviors happen, and it does not change the students. It requires interventions and various practices to prevent such actions from occurring.

Program Resources

The program resources will be retrieved from the various stakeholders to participate in the program implementation. The teachers and parents have to develop a constant communication method if a student is identified to have physical disabilities. Although it may take time and reasonable effort to involve the parents and students, successful communication between home and school can facilitate better schooling for students with physical disabilities. They should collaborate in terms of goals and rewards in all backgrounds. Also, communal strategizing and assessment of various interventions should be done.

Firstly, parental involvement in this collaboration is vital because it is part of all assessment stages, identification, and the advancement of behavior strategies. Parents have also been included in the student’s multidisciplinary and individualized education program (IEP) partnerships; they have to be included in pre-referral and suitability meetings and create positive social interventions.

Implementation Systems and Procedures

School interventions have to comprise of team methods in several settings, comprising of preventive and intervention approaches. The interventions have to be oriented towards evaluation information that consists of data about the student’s abilities and requirements in conjunction with environmental conditions where the physical disabilities characteristics happen. The advancement assessments and plan modifications are vital in ensuring that the intervention plans are successful.

Academic Interventions

The beginning stage in making teaching space support for students with physical disabilities is assessing their abilities and desires. This can involve official and casual evaluation and partnerships with the educational experts and the student’s family members. If the student does not get better outcomes to behavioral approaches and interventions, more involving interventions, such as practical behavior valuation, may be used (Smith, 2004). There is no completely effective method that can be used for students with physical disabilities. Research-based and pioneering practices have to be encouraged for better effectiveness. Some of the academic interventions include:

  1. a) Providing instructions.

Several scholars that have physical disabilities have a problem with following instructions. Various guidelines may be used to solve this problem. They include: giving minimal directions and providing directions in better steps or visual model form.

  1. b) Written Assignments

Numerous scholars with physical disabilities have some difficulties in printed assignments because they have motor problems, planning difficulties, and attention problems. The written assignments have to be divided into simple tasks that are more workable. Strategies that can be applied to solve such challenges include: Deconstructing tasks- The tasks have to be divided into smaller units or pages, provide work breaks, minimizing the length of written assignments, increasing the time for completion of assignments.

Classroom Approaches

The classroom environment can either back or make obstructions to the accomplishment of the students. The aspects that nurture attention, positive behavior, and academic and social advances such as creating positive connections with students, using classroom management approaches, and making an actual process that promotes learning. The following practices can be used:

Peer tutoring: This is an effective method that provides much of the assistance for one-to-one instructions. It advances the gaining of both academic and social abilities.

Co-operative learning: This is where well-structured co-operative learning groups are made whereby all students are given responsibility and have set expectations for needed results. This is very helpful for students with physical disabilities.

Learning games: Students may play intuitive games which strengthen skills, for example, vocabulary, and basic mathematics.

Feedback and Complaint Procedures

The feedback will be obtained by strictly identifying the level of participation of the young people in the program. The program will provide the relevant information concerning support services in the organization. It will also outline if there are any costs to be associated with the support services. The complaint procedures will include the clients considering to file one. They will identify the entities causing or contributing to the harm they are receiving. They will also map the grievance mechanisms that may apply as well as the desired outcomes. They will then choose the appropriate grievance mechanism and prepare the complaint. They need to write the complaint down and pass it to the relevant authorities.

Evaluation and Continuous Improvement Process

The evaluation processes to see whether the program works will include surveying the clients involved and measuring the outcomes against the initial goals as well as the barriers that may be present. There are several potential barriers to services for students and families. Some of these include education barrier where is minimal education on physical disabilities in the identification and treatment. Parents and teachers require training about evaluating students that have physical disabilities as well as diagnosis and management. There may also be lack of awareness, knowledge, and comprehension of physical disabilities. The teachers and parents lack information about guidelines and processes that are involved in recognizing these students. Another issue is that of misconceptions and stigma. Improvement processes will require the program to have a clear guide and schedule for everyday activities within the service organization.

Accountability a Governance

Parents and teachers have to collaborate to ensure that students under physical disabilities treatment follow their medication. Medical therapy can show better results as a plan for students with physical disabilities, and teachers are in the best position to assess the medication’s effectiveness based on the traits and behavior. The teachers and parents are responsible for providing feedback to physicians on the student’s behavior and performance at school.

The collaboration will assist in coordinating the student’s homework. This is because assignments are a problematic area for students with physical disabilities, and therefore the teachers and parents have to play responsibility. The teachers and parents have to coordinate since most parents have home responsibilities and may not have time to monitor their homework. They have to work together and create a schedule under various circumstances to monitor assignment strategies.

Funding Framework

The funding framework will be sponsored by government agencies and other interested donors. The expected investment in the program will amount to $10,000. The program will introduce a streamlined grant-making portfolio. There will be invites for other donors to contribute to the funds to increasingly focus on the overall wellbeing, capacity building and innovation. The program will also explore the use of social investment and commit to increase devolution in the decision-making.