The Final Exam will consist of TWO parts and will require you to complete THREE ESSAYS. The REQUIRED TWO essays (Final Exam, Part I) will be worth 60 points each. ONE short essay (Final Exam, Part II) will be worth 25 points). TOTAL of 145 points.

EXTRA POINTS: You may choose to work on an additional essay from the selection in Part II and earn up to 30 points

You must ONLY rely on the following sources to work on your Take-Home essays:

-PDF Documents posted in the Course Content area.
-The Textbook: Born in Blood and Fire: A Concise History of Latin America (Fourth Edition) 4th
-PowerPoint presentations, weblinks, and word documents posted on MyMC.
-Content of the lectures.


The following TWO essays are REQUIRED:


Explain how and why the dominant understandings of migration and nationhood in Argentina over a 150-year period, fostered the construction of Argentina as a white nation of European descendants. This national project envisioned the creation of a “European enclave”; a nation without Blacks and Amerindians.

READ: Migration, Race, and Nationhood in Argentina, Tanja Bastia, and Matthias vom Hau


The civil war in El Salvador lasted over a decade and took the lives of more than seventy thousand citizens. In January 1992, the leadership of the leftist Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN) and the negotiating team of the Salvadoran government, joined at the last minute by President Alfredo Cristiani, signed a peace accord ending twelve years of civil war in El Salvador. Many analysts consider El Salvador’s transition from the civil war to peace among the most successful implementations of a peace agreement in the post-Cold War period. Almost exactly ten years later to the day, on January 20, 2002, a group of scholars, politicians, and civic leaders held a conference to evaluate in political and economic terms the years since the signing of the accord. Given the nature of the Salvadorian transition, what have been the major achievements/setbacks in the post- Civil War years? How have the government, civic, and business leaders dealing with the issues of political and economic exclusion? Compare and contrast the views of the THREE authors.


Read the Introduction (pg. vii-ix) and work on the first THREE documents* to answer the essay question.

*(Document 1)Ricardo Guillermo Castaneda, Consejo Empresarial Salvadoreño para el Desarrollo Sostenible
(Document 2)Rubén Zamora, political leader and former Chair, Political Science Department,University of El Salvador José Miguel Cruz, Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas, Instituto Universitario de Opinión Pública (IUDOP)
(Document 3)Commentator,Terry Karl, Stanford University
Panel Discussion


Your essays must contain an introductory paragraph (the intro should provide a basic overview of the paper, a clear argument for the paper, and at least three main points you will cover in the essay. Your paper must contain at least one paragraph for each main point from the introduction; clear topic sentences for each paragraph; and specific examples and quotes from the documents. Papers must end with a conclusion. You must include the name of the author of the document if you use direct quotations, “……” You may include direct quotes from the documents if you cite them this way: “…..”
In addition, if you use information from the documents and rephrase or summarize them, you must also provide a citation, but no quotation marks. The essays must be at least four pages EACH (1000 words), typed, double spaced, with 1-inch margins. Write your FULL name, HIST 245: Latin American History, my name, and the date on the top of the first page, single-spaced.