You are part of a team which design and deliver projects within a company called CCC Developments Ltd. CCC Developments has been asked to provide a quote to the local Council for the contract to develop and produce this centenary, summer party – the East Kent Cider Festival: 100-year celebration. Before a formal quote is presented, you have been tasked with determining whether this project is viable and to recommend whether CCC Developments bid for this contact.
If successful in your bid, you will have access to the site from Monday 17 May 2021 to complete the project for planning purposes.
Your chief task is to produce a report to your Managing Director to show the viability and profitability of the project by 18 December 2020 (one report of 6000 words (or equivalent)).
The client will inform you if you have won the contract on 11 January 2021. It would be unw