For the assigned case study, BP and the Deepwater Horizon Disaster of 2010, you must individually analyze it, addressing each of the four items for analysis below. Then post your analysis in Blackboard under Final Assignment.

Key Issues: Briefly describe the leading issues in this case using the information presented in the case description.
Diagnosis: Define the nature of the problems (structure, human recourses political, cultural) and defend your diagnosis.
Processes: Define the process problems in the case. Do they result from poor communication, missing leadership, muddled decision-making, incomplete problem solving, ineffective group norms and rules, inadequate conflict resolution strategies, inadequate structure or design of the organization, or some other reason?
Redesign: Describe the steps you would take to take to redesign this situation to resolve the problems presented in the case. You will propose four to six concise recommendations for people, technology, and structural changes at the individual, interpersonal, and/or organizational levels.
The Final Report – 20 pointsPrepare Your Final Report

Cover page with your name ID# BUS 200 – section and date
Executive summary (abstract)
Table of contents
The body of the report (Progress reports 1-2-3)
Redesign (Recommendations)

The final report should include (1) progress reports I, II, III and your Redesign, (2) be no less than 12 typed pages – 1” margins, 12pt font, double spaced – APA format (3) include a Bibliography

Grading Rubric:

5 points – APA style fully employed

5 points – clearly summarized the case study and the problems presented

5 points – made a direct connection to the four frames and the problems presented in the case study

5 points – presented a redesign (recommendations) for improvement related to the four frames