Directions:  Read the attached case studies and based on the information learned in this module regarding the adolescent population identify things you would want to assess for and write at least two questions you would use with this

Referring entity: Danielle was referred by her school guidance counselor after they have witnessed truant behavior, a change in her overall attitude, and a significant drop in her grades.  The counselor states it is like she changed overnight.  While they have not witnessed Danielle with drugs, the school expresses concerns because she recently started hanging out with other kids who they have caught with drugs on campus.  The referral request that Danielle receive a substance abuse screening to determine what may be causing the significant shift in her performance and attitude.  At this time Danielle who was a straight A student is at risk of failing the 7th grade if things do not change soon.

Intake information:  Danielle was brought to you by her mother for the screening.  The client’s mother reports a change in Danielle’s behaviors, however does not feel that it is anything more than teenage angst.  It is reported that Danielle’s father has never been a part of her life and she has no other siblings.  The mother does report Danielle being home alone in the afternoon/evening as she has to work to make sure that food is put on the table.  When directly asked about substance use Danielle denies any use and states that school is just upset because she actually has friends now and they don’t like it.  A drug screen was performed with the child’s permission and she did not test positive for anything, however appear visible lethargic, slurring words, and to be under the influence of something at the time of the interview.  Knowing substances that may be commonly utilized by adolescents what is your thought about Danielle presenting and list two questions you might use to test your hypothesis.














Case Scenario 2

Client’s name:  Timothy Johnson

Client’s age: 16 years old and recently dropped out of school.

Referring entity:  Timothy was referred by the Department of Juvenile Justice intake specialist for a substance abuse and mental health assessment.  Timothy was apprehended and charged with larceny.  At the time of his arrest Timothy was drug screened and tested positive for marijuana and alcohol.  The referral also notes that Timothy has displayed truant behavior in school over the past year and when he turned 16 dropped out.

Intake information:  Timothy arrives for the assessment without his parents, when questions regarding this he stated that they are not really a part of his life and that they have bigger things to worry about.  Knowing that 42CFR allows for minor to consent for treatment you continue with the assessment process.  Timothy is defiant and does not understand why marijuana and alcohol are such a big deal, “everyone does them.”  He states that his only regret is that he did not get away with his crime this time.  Timothy’s appearance is disheveled, he is dressed in ragged dirty cloths, pupils are constricted, and his speech is somewhat slurred.  When you drug test him, he claims that he will be clean, however he actually tested positive for marijuana and opiates.  1) What do you believe are some of the attitudinal barriers you might face in working with Timothy?  2) Identify at least two questions you would use during the assessment process?