Read the selections “My Guilt” by Maya Angelou and the autobiographical account of the life of Frederick Douglass. The poem written by Angelou reflects her guilt for not standing up for what she deems is a just cause, particularly the issue of Civil Rights. (Maya Angelou was a contemporary writer). Douglass gives his first-person account, and he narrates the events that cause him to rise up against injustice, in his case, life as a slave.

In a well-written essay, analyze the purpose, tone, style, and rhetorical stance of each author. Include your personal reflections on the selections. Include examples of others who have either chosen to stand up for a cause or felt guilty because of their reluctance to act (such as, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Oskar Schindler, and Nelson Mandela).

Criteria for This Assignment
Length and Formatting Requirements

Five to six pages, double spaced
Time New Roman, 12-point font
Works Cited page
In-text citations
Content Requirements

Analyze Maya Angelou’s purpose, tone, style, and rhetorical stance in her poem.
Analyze Frederick Douglass’ purpose, tone, style, and rhetorical stance in his book.
Analyze and explore your personal reflection on each of the selections.
Explore examples of others who have chosen to stand up for a cause or those who have felt guilfktty for their reluctance to act.