Chicago style citations (endnotes & bibliography), thesis-driven, research-based, analytical essay

In an era of profound technological, socio-political, and cultural change, it is difficult, if not impossible, to forecast the future with any degree of certainty. To mitigate the uncertainty, military thinkers and leadership, over the last several years, have emphasized innovation greatly, especially peacetime innovation to gain advantage in future wars.

The period between the two world wars is one of the most frequently referenced case studies for current military professionals seeking to understand innovation. The dominant narratives focus on “who got it right,” “who got it wrong,” and “lessons learned.” Often these narratives are employed, and at times misused, to advance policy positions, as well as to validate doctrine, strategy, and service identities.

Critically analyze interwar adaptation and innovation, and evaluate its impact on future war. In doing so, consider what the period offers today’s military professionals regarding innovation and preparation for future wars. Focus on decision-making at the nation-state level. Analyze the myths and realities of all the various themes that inform this paradigm: such as, civil-military relations, economics, socio-political conditions, diplomacy, history, culture, institutional parochialism and national security priorities.