1.In a 7 page research paper you must pick a utopic/dystopic film and novel .Film :​ The Hunger Games (2012-2015)Novel :The handmaid’s tale2.You must also address the dystopian/ utopian ideas expressed in the film. What makes itdystopian or utopian? And what is the filmmaker criticizing in present day America?Also compare the governmental and control in the film and novel with examples andquotes. Also describe the environmental issues within the novel and film. Focus on thegovernmental control and the humanism, oppression3. Your paper must use MLA citations, 12 in front, double spaced and contain at least ​3scholarly sources. Note- Film reviews, IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, and book reviews arenot scholarly sources.​ A scholarly source is written by an expert in their field. Forinstance, you may choose a source written by a scholar of Genetics, or the history ofpolitical changes in America IF it applies to your paper topic. You may email me if youare unsure if your source is scholarly. Also, please review the Grading Rubric for WrittenAssignment to better understand my grading criteria.

You must also address the dystopian/ utopian ideas expressed in the film. What makes it dystopian or utopian? And what is the filmmaker criticizing in present day America? Also compare the governmental and control in the film and novel with examples and quotes. Also describe the environmental issues within the novel and film. Focus on the governmental contrfktol and the humanism, oppression.