This assignment comprises two elements: a)group-lead mini-seminar, which forms the basis for b)your individual essay. When developing your mini-seminar and then individual essay you are expected to use a broad resource base and rely predominantly on academic literature (examples of relevant books and peer-reviewed journals are provided within the module handbook). All sources used should be referenced using UWE Harvard Referencing System (detailed guidance on referencing is available in the library and on the module Blackboard site).a) Group-lead Mini-seminar (weighted at 20%of the task)In the early EGC workshop you will be allocated to a small group. Each group is required to prepare and deliver a mini-seminar on one of the following topics:

A.Why knowledge transfer is important for host economies?

B.Can industrial strategy shape any of the factors comprising Porter’s Diamond of National Competitive Advantage?

C.Motivations and challenges to international expansion of banks in emerging economies

D.Successful and Unsuccessful Internationalisation Strategy: Comparative analysis of cases in the service sectorE.Factors stimulating and hindering backshoring decisions of manufacturing firmsF.Artificial Intelligence in the Global Supply Chains