• Competitive Review
Identification of the important direct and indirect competitors for the
product. For each competitor, focus should be on factors such as sales,
market share, growth, key benefits, positioning, advertising and
promotion budget, promotion program mix, message and media
strategies, and an overall assessment of strengths and weaknesses.
• Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning
Which of the market segments will be the target market for this
campaign? What will be our positioning strategy?
• Communications Objectives & Budget Request
What are the objectives of our campaign as they relate to brand
awareness, knowledge and interest, favorable attitudes and image, and
purchase intentions? How much money do we need to spend to achieve
our campaign objectives? What budgeting method will be employed?
(The budget number at this point is a single aggregate figure, not
broken down by individual promotion program element.) How will the
monies be allocated? (How much goes to traditional advertising, sales
promotions, new media, etc.?)