Overview: In this assignment, you will complete the beginning phase of your final project for this course. For Part A of the final project, you will first highlight a specific area of interest within the fields of communication and media studies. Next, you will select three key thinkers that relate to your specific area of interest and briefly describe one contribution they have made to the fields of communication and media. You will be provided a preselected list of key thinkers that range in focus and contributions.
 Describe, in a few sentences, what your specific interest is within the fields of communication and media. This can be something that you are passionate about, something you feel needs awareness, or something you want to know more about. For example, the intersection of gender and communication or media.
 Browse the provided list of key thinkers. You can find this in unit 5 of the course. Select the three that most relate to your specific area of interest.
 For each key thinker, please indicate the following in a bulleted list: (Please cite your sources)
o What area/school of communication and media are they from? For example, relational studies, critical studies, cultural studies, gender studies, etc.
o Identify one contribution the key thinker has made to the fields. This can be brief. You will expand on this in Part B of the final project.
 Describe how the selected key thinkers relate to your own area of interest within communication and media.
 Read the assignment instructions and rubric carefully before beginning.
 Use full sentences and appropriate academic language in all work.
 Follow standard APA guidelines (proper margins, double-spaced, 12-point Times New
Roman, and cover page your full name, course, and date.
 Use APA citation format and include a reference/work cited page when necessary.
 Your essay should be approximately 1 page in length.
 You are required to submit the photograph of the art piece you selected.
Be sure to read the criteria, by which your paper will be evaluated, before you write, and again after you write.