Assessment 1: Self-Reflective Essay
Critically evaluate your own personal and professional development.

Your essay should include the following:
1-Critically evaluate current research carried out on graduate employability and attributes within tourism, hospitality, aviation and event industries. What type of skills and attributes lead to graduate success and how do these relate to the industry or sector you are seeking employment in?

2-Critically reflect on and assess your current skills and attributes against those desired for in your chosen career using self-analysis tools.

3-Critically assess any skills ‘gaps’ and plan how these can be overcome through engagement in appropriate development activities.

You will be given credit for your ability to draw on a range of sources; these may be academic, or industry specific. Credit will also be given for a clearly structured answer, for the use of relevant examples, for demonstrating analytical powers, and for original or imaginative thinking. Demonstrate in the essay an ability to explore a theoretical argument that has clear implications for your own personal and professional development. The response should critically appraise the main theories and principles associated with graduate employability. It needs to build upon wider reading and other managerial issues including current recruitment and employment trends in the relevant industries. Make a reasoned argument in an academically well written essay that leads the reader through argument and debate to a clear conclusion.