Use one of the following prompts to guide your inquiry and research for this project.

Option 1: Inquire into a theme/topic/issue that we’ve read about or discussed thus far in the semester and which you would like to explore more deeply in research
Option 2: Inquire into a practice, thing or place that has meaning for you because it belongs to or shapes a community you are part of (familial, geographical, cultural).
Option 3: Inquire into a practice, idea, thing or place that is central to your major or career interest.

What are the deeper implications, consequences, etc? Who benefits? Why should we care?How will Project 4 get assessed?

At the end of Project 4, you will be ready to turn in a final draft of your essay that does the following:

Explores a place, thing or practice of interest to the writer — connected to an aspect of their current or future identity — in which the writer’s voice is prominent and shapes the conversation effectively.
Effectively and responsibly uses a range of source types
min 2-3 academic (scholarly sources including academic journal articles or academic books)
min 2-3 popular (newspaper or magazine articles, government documents, films, songs, novels, youtube videos)
optional primary (intereviews, surveys, etc)