You are still organised in groups for Assignment 2. You must email me until the XX of XX if you do not have a group to work with. I will not be responsible for including you in a group after this date, and you will have to find someone to work with.

After having decided on a service-user group and on the professions/occupations you are going to work on, each of you will do an individual audio-video presentation.

In planning and organising your individual audio-video presentation, each of you is required to do the following:

  • Outline the needs of a service-user group with a protected characteristic
  • Has the service-user group selected increased over time? If yes, why?
  • To what extent has/can the service-user group selected been/be discriminated?
  • Account for the role and main duties, responsibilities and tasks of the profession/occupation you have chosen, and the difficulties/frustrations and the eases/joys it has encountered, in developing a response to those needs – answer the following questions:
  • How do the needs of a service-user group with a protected characteristic are met by your professional group?
  • What are the main duties/responsibilities of the professional group involved?
  • What have the main challenges in dealing with this service-user group been?
  • What arrangements would you have for improving equality and diversity?
  • Analyse the relationship between a professional/occupational group and a service-user group with a protected characteristic
  • Under which circumstances would you have contact with the service user group?
  • What services would you/are you be able to offer the service user group?
  • What specifically can you offer the service user group in respect of their protected characteristic?
  • Do you think that your service is effective in supporting the service user group in respect of their protected characteristic? If yes, why? If not, why?
  • What evidence do you have to support this? If not, what would you recommend?
  • An analysis of relevant policy and legislation of your service-user group with a protected characteristic, assessing whether they are meeting the needs of your chosen service-user group.
  • How do existing policy and legislation protect vulnerable service user groups from being discriminated?
  • Does existing policy protect the needs of your service-user group?
  • Is there any guidance from your professional body on how to deal with this service user group or with service user groups with protected characteristics?
  • Provide at least one recommendation as to how the professional role performed by each of you could further be developed in relation to your service-user group.
  • How could the relationship between the professional/occupational group and the service user group be improved? What measures could be taken to improve the services provided?
  • Account for the benefits and challenges of working inter-professionally with the other team workers.
  • How do you make sure the team is efficient in meeting the needs of the service-user group chosen?
  • What are the considerations regarding informed consent and the passing on of information to other professionals in your team you need to consider for your service-user group?
  • Write your Individual Reflective Account (500 words) – use the template provided on BREO
  • You are encouraged to use the 1st person as you are reflecting on your own experience


  • You do not need to choose the same occupational/professional group chosen for Assignment 1.
  • This assignment is about the relationship between different professionals and a service-user group with a protected characteristic and NOT an individual case study.
  • Although you still work within a group, you will film your oral presentation individually, focusing on the relationship between your chosen professional group and the service-user group.
  • You will upload your audio-video oral presentation on BREO as usual (a submission box for this has been set up) or you can alternatively upload it to Panopto (PanoptoVideos and Content (the very last Folder) > Click twice on the Folder ‘Assignment 2 – Individual Audio-Video Presentations [assignments]’ > Click ‘Create’ > Upload Media > click to find on your computer > upload your file)
  • Overall, a minimum of 5 references (3 must be academic sources). It is 5 references (three must be academic) overall, including the ones used in your Individual Audio-Video Presentation and in your Individual Reflective Account
  • Please make sure you state your name/student number/group number at the start of your presentation
  • Please name your Video File with your Group Number and your Student Number if possible
  • Each of you should upload the video file individually
  • It is a video file, and not an audio file – this means that you need to appear in the video
  • Each of you should use a minimum of 5 references (three must be academic)
  • You MUST insert the references you used in your Audio-Video Presentation in the List of References of your Reflective Account.
  • If you are using Powerpoint Slides, you should insert a last slide with the references used to do your Presentation.
  • Please use the template for your Individual Reflective Account uploaded in the Assessment & Feedback Folder