Write a paper (1,250-1,500 words) that addresses the concept of labeling students in special education. Do the following in your paper:

Summarize the theoretical and historical evolution of educational services for students with disabilities. (Benchmarks C11.1: Analyze special education from a theoretical and historical perspective.)
Analyze the IDEA mandates and current practices for education of students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment. (Benchmarks C11.2: Analyze legal issues in special education.)
Discuss at least two research-based best practices for including learners with disabilities in the general education classroom. (Benchmarks C11.4: Analyze the role of collaboration as a tool for building relationships within special education)
Suggest at least three research-based collaboration methods that can be used by special education leaders to ensure successful inclusion of students with disabilities to the maximum extent possible. (Benchmarks C 11.3: Propose models of best practice in special education leadership and administration.)