Please read this ENTIRE document carefully before starting this essay.

This essay accounts for 70% of my final mark for my final year module, hence it is incredibly important to meet every single criteria. So please first of all watch the lecture recording in entirety and include at least one element from each lecture slide, as my professors prefers us first covering our core readings before including external readings and references.

Please follow the structure of the essay plan and handout provided, please do generally follow and include the parts however don’t stick to just these points please add where appropriate.

Title – What are the cultural and economic reasons for women avoid marriage and having children?   

Essay plan –


The introduction, which will state what readers will gain from reading the essay and general outline of what is expected to be in the essay, the essay will begin with education.

Education and the impact on women’s choice

By starting off with education, it will allow readers to gain insight into how educational reforms worked in order to cope with Taiwan’s growing economy. It will also be mentioned that cultural roles on gender will be looked into to see how it has impacted women’s choice of avoiding marriage and having children.

Marriage and fertility

After discussing the impact of education, the essay will go into the reasons for the decline in marriage and fertility rates. The essay will also draw conclusions to see there is a correlation between culture and the economic, be it positive or negative. Relevant sources, such as graphs, data and case studies, will be used to back up the arguments made in the essay and used to establish cause and effect, if possible.

Cultural norms and impact on marriage and children

Impact of urbanisation and social class

Case study

A case study will be looked at in order to support the arguments made in the essay.


The essay will end with a summary of the main topic’s points and arguments; drawing conclusions on the culture and economic reasons that women avoid marriage.