
The transition from student nurse to Registered nurse can be fraught with many emotions…

Not only happiness and excitement, but also fear, anxiety and uncertainty.

It can be a time when new graduates are questioning everything from their ability, to whether they made the right career choice, and whether they will ever be like the nurses they are now working with on their new ward.

This transition period is often described by people as a complete reality shock, and let’s face it, apart from nursing not many other occupations come with the added chance that you can severely hurt or kill another human being.

But fear not! Every nurse, at one point or another, has experienced these feelings.

It is common for new nurses to feel insecure and unsure about their ability to be a registered nurse, and there is a multitude of issues that may arise, which only serve to add to these feelings of insecurity.

  1. Draw on the literature and critically analyse what has occurred in the case study provided in relation to:
  • 3 applicable Nursing and Midwifery Board AHPRA (NMBA) nursing practice standards,
  • 2 principles of the NMBA Code of Conduct
  • 2 elements of the International Council of Nurses (ICN) code of ethics
  • And 2 ethical principles
  • Discuss and apply 2 National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards relevant to the case that now seek to protect the public from similar events
  1. Draw on the literature and discuss 3 challenges faced whilst transitioning from novice to registered nurse and with reference to the literature identify strategies to over come such challenges.
  2. Define resilience and its application to the nursing profession. Identify strateigies one can employ to foster resilience

When writing this assessment refer to the task, presentation guidelines and marking rubric.

Presentation guidelines

  • Complete the footer as prompted i.e. lastname_studentnumber_NUR345_ Assessment 3
  • Format your assessment with size 12 point Arial font, single spacing in incident report; 1.5 line spacing for essay; double line spacing for end-of-text reference list.
  • Complete spelling and grammar check using English (Australia) default.
  • A minimum of 10 peer reviewed journals or texts no more than 5 years old.
  • Use APA 7th referencing.
  • 2000 +/- 10% word limit (incident report; essay). Markers will stop marking at the maximum allowable word count. The end-of-text reference list is NOT included in the word count.
  • Essay should be written in the third person in an objective, non emotional language
  • Use headings to signpost your work.
  • Save the final version of your paper using the filename of lastname_student number_NUR345_ Assessment 3

APA 7th referencing Download guide from the CDU library