1. Analyse the role of media in society and explain the structure of the media in the West in terms of ownership and control.
  2. Critically evaluate the role the mass media has in creating ideology in society today and the impact that it has on its audiences (discussion of at least two audience models here).

Critically evaluate media representations of at least two different groups (these could be racial, religious, gender etc…)

In relation to this initial debate about the role of the media in the creation of ideology, this piece should explore the representation of two social groups: gender, ethnicity, sexuality, age, disability and/ or class. Writing should critically assess how the media does or does not manipulate our understanding of these groups. You should use theory, contemporary examples and subject specific terminology wherever appropriate to explain and evaluate your ideas.


2000 words + or – 10%

Submit on Turnitin

In this assessment we are looking for:

Use of wider sources- extended reading

Key sociological perspectives taught and discussed in lessons.

Critical evaluation using contemporary examples where possible to demonstrate points.

Strengths and weaknesses of all theory used.

Please make sure you have:

  • Proof read your work for spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPaG)
  • Double line spaced your work
  • Used Ariel font size 12
  • Referenced correctly using Harvard
  • Checked that you have met each element of the assessment criteria you are being assessed on. Work that does not meet the assessment criteria will be resubmitted.
  • Saved your work in at least three different places.
  • Submitted your work on time. Work which is handed in late will be capped at a pass.