This assignment is concerned with your identifying and discussing the enablers and barriers to innovation as seen from the perspective of a hotelier . Where have you see an innovation successfully introduced, and where has a good idea stumbled? What can you see that could have contributed to successful implementation, or got in the way? Since this involves looking back, you might want to consider how the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted innovation (for example, by introducing new barriers or changes in work practices, or by encouraging new and innovative processes). This purpose of this reflective essay is to set the scene for the rest of the course.

Suggested structure:
• Begin with a brief statement as to why innovation is important for Hotel industry
• Give an overview of what you see as the main sources of success or failure for the examples you have considered (this is a summary of the rest of the paper)
o This might include the attitudes and expectations of colleagues, suppliers, guests etc.
o It might also be affected by what support was, or was not, given
• Then cover at least two or three examples of recent innovations
o What was intended
o How it worked out
o What you see were the enabling factors
o What you see were the barriers to doing something new
• End with a brief statement as to what you think needs to be done to enhance future innovation.