ASSIGNMENT BRIEFSQualificationPearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in BusinessUnit (FT/OL)OL U11Year and cohortHNDB19, 2020-2021Assessor nameDr Costas TheodoridisAssignment titleResearch ProjectTheme: Talent ManagementLearning Objectives

LO1 Examine appropriate research methodologies and approaches as part of theresearch process

LO2 Conduct and analyse research relevant for a business research projec

LO3 Communicate the outcomes of a research project to identified stakeholders

LO4 Reflect on the application of research methodologies and conceptsPurpose of the assignmentThe purpose of the assignment is to enable you to examine the impact of ​talentmanagement ​on how business is conducted through the context of your own chosenresearch project. This will provide you the opportunity to contextualise the implicationsof​ talent management ​in the workplace and how successful companies have devisedand customised their strategies in order to foster an environment of continuousproductivity, equal opportunity and seamless competitiveness.

Theme: Talent ManagementTalent management (TM) is the process by which businesses and organisationsrecognise and develop talented people who can have a positive impact on theirorganisations and their productivity. It not only has become a key component ofhuman resource management but also the responsibility of leaders and managers atall levels to manage talent within the business, with TM strategies being developed inline with the particular needs and structure of the business and industry.Themes of TM relevant to businesses when considering a strategic approach to talentmanagement include the following:

● The role of line managers and leaders in employee development and well-being;

● Talent management being used as a lever for culture change

● The importance of contextualising approaches to talent management

● The need for new and innovative ways of working to achieve a strategic approachto talent management

● Barriers for the development of a strategic approach caused by economic and day-to-day operational pressuresStaff retention, training and morale is key in any industry where talented motivatedemployees can help differentiate one organisation from another and influencebusiness success. An increasing number of businesses are rethinking ways to get themost from their staff. Rising costs, recruitment difficulties and changing employeeattitudes mean that, for many employers, the traditional approaches to recruiting,training and retaining staff are being revisited to harness and develop talent andultimately drive competitive advantage.The knowledge you have built during previous Units will become the theoreticalfoundation for the Research Project you will produce for this Unit. You are expected toproduce a piece of work that will provide sufficient evidence that you are able to:

●Consider the development of a methodical and valid research proposal as thefoundation for your project.

●Choose a topic of personal interest in a specialism. The topic chosen should allowa sufficient and suitable degree of research through the existence of adequatebackground materials.

●Produce a project proposal. A good project proposal title should meet thefollowing criteria:○The proposal is one that has an existing body of literature or sourcematerial that can be reviewed.○The proposal extends a current line of learning that will lend itself tofurther rigorous exploration.

●Decide on appropriate research methods and select an appropriate sample.

●Conduct your research as outlined in the proposal agreed with your tutor.

●Carry out your research, analyse your research findings and draw conclusions.Apply both qualitative and quantitative research methods to evaluate datacollected from primary research.

●Communicate your research outcomes in a manner appropriate to your audience.

●Reflect on the success of your research project and evaluate the problems/issues encountered.

It is a requirement for the successful completion of this Unit to ensure that yourproposal is ethical, reliable and valid. ​An ethics form must be submitted and approvedprior to completion of research as part of the research proposal.​ For this purpose anethics form template will be provided to you.

Unit Learning Outcomes

LO1 Examine appropriate research methodologies and approaches as part of theresearch processAssignment Brief and Guidance: ​Completing and submitting the research proposal andethical approvalSubmission format: ​You are expected to submit ​a research proposal​ and ​an ethical approvalform​ using the designated forms provided by your instructor. ​These should be written in aconcise, formal business style. All work must be supported with research and referencedusing the Harvard referencing system.Scenario and activity:You are asked by your employer to examine the​​impact of ​talent management ​on thebusiness. This will provide you with the opportunity to contextualise the implications oftalent management in the workplace and how successful companies devise andcustomise their strategies in order to foster an environment of continuous productivity,equal opportunity and seamless competitiveness. Please note, the project shall be abouta real company and examine the real issues that the company deals with​.You are expected to submit ​a research proposal​ and ​an ethical approval form​ usingthe designated forms provided by your instructor. In the proposal form, you areexpected to clearly define the research topic that you will pursue, encapsulated inrelevant research aims, objectives, questions or hypotheses (if appropriate). You areexpected to examine and present alternative methods of primary and secondaryresearch with a view to evaluating and critically appraising them in order to select themost appropriate method for your project. You shall1)produce an ​ethical approval form,2)develop a ​research proposal ​that clearly defines a research question orhypothesis supported by a​ literature review​,3)examine 2-4 appropriate research methods and approaches to primary andsecondary research,4)justify your choice of research methodologies and processes for your researchproject through critical evaluation with reference to theoretical frameworks.Draft 1 deadline: Sunday, November 29, 2020 23:59

Unit Learning OutcomesLO2 Conduct and analyse research relevant for a business research projectLO3 Communicate the outcomes of a research project to identified stakeholdersAssignment Brief and Guidance: ​Designing, collecting and analysing the data, andevaluating the limitations of your research approachSubmission format:Submission is in the form of a report. This should be written in a concise, formal businessstyle. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections asappropriate. You must support the written report with a range of graphical illustrationsand appropriate appendices. All work must be supported with research and referencedusing the Harvard referencing system.Scenario and activity:You are expected to have completed your primary and secondary research and ananalysis of the data you collected using appropriate methods and techniques. You mustnow submit a draft ​business report ​that employs an effective and appropriatecommunication style to present the data you collected and an analysis of the findings.You also need to discuss the implications and limitations of your research. You shall1)conduct primary and secondary research using appropriate methods thatconsider also the costs, access and ethical issues of conducting the research,2)apply appropriate analytical tools to analyse the data and discuss the merits andlimitations of the processes,3)communicate a critical analysis of your findings in an appropriate manner foryour business client, including justified recommendations that meet the researchobjectives.Draft 2 deadline: Sunday, January 17, 2021 23:59

Unit Learning OutcomesLO2 Conduct and analyse research relevant for a business research projectLO3 Communicate the outcomes of a research project to identified stakeholdersLO4 Reflect on the application of research methodologies and conceptsAssignment Brief and Guidance: ​Completing and submitting the final ​business reportSubmission format:Submission is in the form of a report. This should be written in a concise, formal businessstyle. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections asappropriate. You must support the written report with a range of graphical illustrationsand appropriate appendices. All work must be supported with research and referencedusing the Harvard referencing system. The recommended length of the final submissionis 4,500 – 6,000 words, but you will not be penalised for exceeding this.Scenario and activity:You are expected to submit a business report in an appropriate format and style. ​Thesections produced for draft 2 shall be included in the final report.Your report will demonstrate an understanding of the research project and theimplications it may have for your business client. You will achieve this through a rigorousdiscussion of your research questions, amid a strong contextual background that framesthe research problem and a robust literature review that theoretically underpins yourwork.You shall1)develop a report that provides valid and justified recommendations for thebusiness organisation based on the analysis of both the primary and secondaryresearch (i​ntegrate your findings and analysis from task 2 into this document);2)communicate the research outcomes in an appropriate manner for your businessclient including visual illustrations, demonstrating how the outcomes meet theresearch objectives and making justified recommendations supported by criticalanalysis;3)critically reflect on the effectiveness of research methods applied for meetingobjectives of your research project including lessons learnt and alternativemethodologies;4)recommend actions for future improvement and considerations for futureresearch.Draft 3 deadline:​​Sunday, March 7, 2021 23:59