Instructions to Candidates:1.There are THREEsections in this paper.2.You are required to answer ALL sections in the Answer Book provided, and submit it in either Word or PDF format. Answers that are not put in the answer book will not be graded.3.Answers should be addressed based on mainly the materials covered in the course. 4. The assignment should be completed in APA format (i.e., Font size 12, Times New Roman, double-line spacing, an inch margin on all sides). All materials must be correctly cited.For references stated in the course materials, you may consider to cite the lecture notes directly or cite asa secondary source.5.A reference list is required for Section B and Section C. The reference list will not be included in the word limit.Marks will be deducted if the APA format is not observed or the reference list is not appropriately provided.6.Please submit the finalized file to the course OLE by the deadline. You are highly encouraged to upload your work earlier to avoid late submission due to any technical issues. Any work that fails to adhere to the above requirements will be penalized and may not be marked.7.Please note that the contents of this assignment are treated as STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL and their copyrights rest solely with The Open University of Hong Kong. You are strictly prohibited from placing any of these contents onto any websites without official written approvals from the President and the Dean (A&SS).8.This take-home assignment should beYOUR OWN WORK. Please do not collaborate or discuss your answers with your fellow classmates. Answers found highly similar to one another will all receive a zero mark.

PSYC A236F (Autumn 2020) Take-home Assignment2Section A: Multiple-Choice Questions (40 marks)There are 20 questions in Section A. Each question carries 2 marks. Answer ALLquestions in the table of Answer Bookprovided, by choosing the most appropriate answer.1.Positive psychologists argue that statistics on the ______ facts of people’s lives give a misleading view of well-being because the facts of people’s lives are not strongly related to ______ interpretations. A.subjective; subjectiveB.subjective; objectiveC.objective; subjectiveD.objective; objective2.If someone needed to choose a manual that helps provide a common language for strengths, like diagnostic manuals, which of the following should they choose?A.Gallup’s Clifton StrengthsFinderB.The Search Institute’s 40 Developmental AssetsC.The VIA Classifications of StrengthsD.Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders3.Which of the following is one of the protective factors identified as contributing to psychosocial resilience in children? (i) Positive self-perceptions(ii) Self-regulation skills(iii) Talents valued by the society(iv) Easy temperament in infancy(v) Sense of meaning in lifeA.(i), (ii) & (iii) ONLYB.(i), (ii) & (iv) ONLYC.(i), (iii) & (v) ONLYD.All of the above4.According to Selective Optimization with Compensation (SOC) model, successful aging is a/an ______________ process that minimizes losses and maximizes gains. A.progressiveB.adaptiveC.conditionalD.inevitable5.Which of the following is NOT considered as one of the BASIC emotions in the emotion wheel? A.AngerB.AnticipationC.TrustD.Grief6.Which of the following is NOT a contributing factor of religion to one’s well-being? statusD.sense of purpose

PSYC A236F (Autumn 2020) Take-home Assignment37.What is at the core of the concept of self-efficacy?A.Analysing one’s capability to reach their desired goal.B.A belief that you can accomplish what you want.C.The view that good things will happen to you.D.An understanding that a bad outcome is subjective.8.Which term can be described as someone’s judgments about what needs to be done to reach a desired goal?A.self-efficacyB.self-esteemC.efficacy expectanciesD.outcome expectancies9.Which of the following traits has been shown to be a good predictor of satisfaction in interpersonal relationships?A.self-efficacyB.hopeC.learned optimismD.wisdom10.Which type of attributions do pessimists tend to make for positive outcomes?A.internal, variable, and globalB.external, stable, and globalC.internal, stable, and specificD.external, variable, and specific11.What is a caveat of secondary preventions?

A.Not enough of the programs have not been found to be effective, leading to loss of funding.

B.There is a stigma related to mental health treatment that may impede people from seeking treatment.

C.The programs are typically only available for the wealthy or people from mainstream cultures.

D.The programs are based on unsound or speculative psychological theories.

12.What distinguishes secondary prevention from primary prevention?A.Primary prevention focuses on problems that are the most serious.B.Secondary prevention takes place after the problem has developed.C.Primary prevention involves parents, referred to as primary caregivers.D.Secondary prevention emphasizes underlying medical issues.

13.Which of the following best fits the idea of mindfulness?A.actively searching for noveltyB.passively zoning out to everyday lifeC.readily accepting new people and ideasD.steadily focusing on an object or idea

PSYC A236F (Autumn 2020) Take-home Assignment4

14.John feels like the challenges and opportunities at his new job are “too easy” relative to his skills. According to Csikszentmihalyi, what subjective state is John likely to experience?A.FlowB.Anxiety C.BoredomD.Frustration

15.What has been demonstrated by studies on flow and culture?A.Eastern students did not show a preference toward the amount of skill or challenge involved.B.Students in Western cultures preferred an equal skill and challenge level.C.Japanese students were more like students from the United States in skill and challenge level preferences.D.Hong Kong students preferred skill level to be higher than the challenge level.

16.Which of the following factors is found to be largely and positively correlated with happiness and life satisfaction?A.IncomeB.IntelligenceC.ReligiousnessD.Gratitude

17.To make OUHK a more positive community, a group of students who love positive psychology form a student society to promote public awareness of mental health in the campus. Regarding this example, which of the following is NOT included as one of the five catalysts of helpful community formation?A.Shared identityB.Common objectivesC.Shared interests or passionsD.None of the above

18.According to Kaner (2014), when a community group tries to bring about change in an environment, they will need to enter a zone full of anxiety and challenge. Which zone is he referring to?A.Comfort ZoneB.Phobia ZoneC.Groan ZoneD.Growth Zone

19.Historically, researchers in the area of positive psychology have studied well-being operating from the assumption that ______ and ______ are the major criteria for understanding the good life.A.flourishing; savoringB.happiness; life satisfactionC.optimism; hopeD.positive emotions; optimism

PSYC A236F (Autumn 2020) Take-home Assignment5

20.Which of the following is NOT a critique of the field of positive psychology?A.It relies too much on quantitative data.B.It does not use a systems approach.C.It does not take a developmental perspective that pays attention to the developmental paths people take as they journey through life.D.The perspectives of positive psychology view people too much in a holistic fashion.Section B: Short Written-Answer Questions (20 Marks)There are 2 questions in Section B. Each question carries 20 marks. The total mark for Section B is 20. You are required to answer ONEout of two questions. The length of the answers to each question should be NO MORE THAN 800 wordsin APA format.21.According to Robert Sternberg (1986), love includes which three components? Describe all available combinations of love and explain the course of three love components over time.[20 marks]22.According to Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (1990), what are the eight characteristics of flow? Describe a scenario when an individual experienced flow, which illustrating at least three of the eight characteristics of flow.[20 marks]Section C: Long Written-Answer Questions (40 Marks)There are 2 questions in Section C. Each question carries 40 marks. The total mark for Section C is 40. You are required to answer ONEout of two questions. The overall length of the answer to the question should be NO MORE THAN 1800 wordsin APA format. Word limit of each sub-question is given.

23.a.Identify the four good features of experiencing positive emotion according to Fredrickson (4 marks)(Word limit: 100 words

).b.Explain the four positive impacts of positive emotions with supporting research evidence(s) (16 marks) (Word limit: 700 words).

c.Illustrate how gratitude can benefit a person through the upward spiral of positive emotion (10 marks) (Word limit: 500 words)

.d.Discuss how you would convince a friend to incorporate more gratitude into his/her life by explaining the correlates of gratitude that help improve his/her daily life (10 marks) (Word limit: 500 words).[40 marks]24.a.Identify any four components of effective primary preventions (4 marks) (Word limit: 100 words).b.Define ‘hope’ and explain how hope benefitsone’s well-being, and how it contributesto the secondary prevention(16 marks) (Word limit: 700 words).c.Illustrate the benefits of using relationships for primary enhancement of psychological health (10 marks) (Word limit: 500 words).

e.Discuss how you convince a friend to practice mindfulness in his/her daily life by explaining the problems of mindlessness and benefits of mindfulness (10 marks) (Word limit: 500 words).[40 marks][END OF TAKE-HOME ASSIGNMENT]