Python version 3 code, seperate files of python script and report,Introduction–thisshouldcontainsomebackgroundinformation,generallysummarisethe
problem being solved in this task and demonstrate a clear understanding of the problems. o SolutionExplanation–thisisthemainbodyofyourreportwhereyoushoulddescribe
your design and solution to the problem/task outlined in the introduction, and explain any key aspects to the program. You can also use this section to explain your design rationale for certain parts of your code (i.e. why have you done something in a certain way).
o Testing–explain how you have tested your program,and if appropriate give some sample data and output examples from the program. There should be evidence of your program being tested given either in this section or in the appendix and referred to from this section.
o Conclusion–usethissectiontoevaluateyourwork(i.e.yoursolutiontotheproblem described in the introduction), for example, what has worked well, what would you like to change next time.
o Appendix–youshouldcopyandpasteyourentire program code intothisfinalsectionof the report.