Faculty of Business and Law


Unit Title: Responsible Enterprise Note that the resit will be a rework of this same assignment brief.
Unit Code:   Core: Yes (Business Management) Level: 5
Assignment Title: Responsible Enterprise Assignment 1:

What is Responsible enterprise? And how do responsible organisations respond to the UN sustainable development goals.  (Structured essay, 3000 words (+-10%) Weighting 100%

[words in access of +10% will not be marked]

Submission Date: See date on Moodle Feedback Return Date:  See date on Moodle
Submission Instructions: Submit via Turnitin/Moodle (no hard copy to be submitted)
Feedback Return Information: Published via Turnitin/Moodle
Assignment Task

“What is responsible enterprise? And how do responsible organisations respond to the sustainable development goals?” The purpose of this structured essay is to critique the role of business in society. In doing so, students should:

–          Discuss key global challenges, with reference to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

–          Highlight the role and ethics of private enterprise and other types of enterprise in society on those challenges.

–          Define responsible enterprise and how responsible organisations respond to the sustainable development goals.

–          Explore the role of government, NGO’s and consumers in facilitating &/or inhibiting responsible enterprise.

All relevant topics are covered in the Unit Block. In addition, skills-based tasks will be included throughout the unit to support students in developing their academic reading, writing & referencing skills.

Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed.

Learning Outcome 1:  Identify and give examples of sustainable (defined as ethical social and ecological) issues within the national and global context and ow these relate to stakeholders.

Learning Outcome 2:  Analyse the role of business and stakeholders at local, and/or regional, national, and global levels in regulating and influencing businesses sustainability performance.

Learning Outcome 3:  Critically appraise the sustainability options available to businesses using a wide range of relevant sources of data.

Learning Outcome 4:  Evaluate the actions of organisations through the application of appropriate academic concepts, models and frameworks.

Learning Outcome 5:  Effectively communicate through appropriate structure and language and systematically reference evidence and information used to undertake an assignment.

Assignment Details and Instructions.

1 Introduction & background (10%)

Write a maximum of three sentences that outline the purpose & structure of the essay.  Then identify ONE of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Drawing on the “3 pillars of sustainable development (social, economic & environmental) set out the challenges that underlie this goal.

Relevant lectures: Introduction to Sustainable development Definitions, Goals and Frameworks.

2. Discuss the impact of business in society, with regard to your chosen goal (20%)

Using appropriate theory &/or expert sources, consider the sustainability spectrum and the role and ethics of a multi-national traditional for-profit business and at least one of the following a socially responsible businesses, social enterprise &/or non-profit organisation.

Relevant lectures: Introduction to the spectrum of responsible enterprise, moral positions and ethical capital.

3. Define responsible enterprise and discuss how responsible organisations respond to the sustainable development goals?  (30%)

There are diverse interpretations of what “responsible enterprise” means. Using appropriate academic theory, compare & contrast TWO of the following concepts; corporate social responsibility (CSR), corporate citizenship (CC), shared value, circular economy (CE) in theory and practice.

Relevant lectures: A critical view on CSR, CC, CE, and Shared Value.

4. Compare and contrast the role of, Government, NG0’s and/or Consumers in society. (20%)

Using appropriate theory &/or expert sources, explain how government, NGO’s and/or consumers can facilitate (or inhibit) responsible enterprise.

In your discussion, you should draw on examples relating to your chosen challenge. You need to consider the role/purpose of two of the following actors: the role of government, NGO’s and consumers, as well as the tools they have at their disposal. You might find it easier to focus on ONE level of activity (i.e. global, regional, national or local).

Relevant lectures: The role of NGO’s, the role government, the role of consumers.

5. Conclusion (10%)

Synthesise findings & evaluations in order to conclude on what responsible enterprise is.

6. Appendix (5%)

Include a one-page appendix at the end of the essay, which sets out their engagement with the unit (see below). A template will be provided on Moodle & time will be given over in tutorials to help you complete this. Please bear in mind that we can check your appendix against attendance records so don’t be tempted to claim you have attended if you haven’t – to do so would of course run counter to the focus of the unit! Further guidance on the appendix (& the assignment as a whole) will be provided in tutorials.

Style (5%).

Overall presentation of essay including structure, language, grammar, spelling. Systematic use of Harvard-style referencing.

Relevant lecture: Introduction to the Unit/Assignment 1 guidance

Submission information: Submit one essay with a wordcount of 3000 words. Specify the wordcount at the end of the essay. Reference list & diagrams do not add to the wordcount & should be included within the body of the essay rather than in an appendix. You are required to submit your essay electronically via the Turnitin Assignments link on the unit Moodle page. Do not submit a hard copy.

Formatting & style: Use 12-point, single-spaced font. Be analytical not descriptive in your approach. The essay should be well-structured & use appropriate academic language. It should contain a balance of theory & concepts, factual evidence & reasoned argument. Harvard referencing style must be adopted i.e. all references must be cited appropriately within the text, with a full alphabetical list of sources included at the end of your assignment.

Using academic theory: Remember to make use of the relevant lecture & tutorial material from the Unit Block. However, the assignment should be based primarily on your own individual research i.e. building upon the lecture & tutorial material. Throughout your essay you must draw on appropriate academic concepts, models & the general academic literature in this subject area. In other words, appropriately referenced content is expected, drawn from academic journal articles, textbooks, specialist reports, industry standards, government data etc.

Similarity scores: You will have the opportunity to check your similarity score prior to submission. Do not copy/paste extensively from the Internet as this is poor academic practice. Rather, you should paraphrase from the original source to demonstrate your understanding & to tailor the material you find to the arguments you are trying to make. As a matter of routine we check your similarity score on Turnitin & those with a score above 30% may be subject to investigation. More guidance will be given in lectures & tutorials but please speak to your tutor if you have any concerns or questions.

Early Career/ World Class Professional Skills (PLOs) being assessed or developed/assessed.

PLO1 Our graduates will apply critical thinking to practical and theoretical problems

1.1.1 Identify and interrogate relevant data and literature sources using methods appropriate to level of study and to discipline

1.1.2 Apply theory to discussion and analysis

PLO2 Our graduates will be effective communicators using a range of media

2.1.1 Organise work in a logical structure in order to draw conclusions that follow

2.1.2 Apply consistent and appropriate referencing and in text citations

2.1.3 Demonstrate digital skills appropriate to level and to discipline

PLO3 Our graduates will demonstrate an awareness of ethical, corporate social responsibility and sustainability issues appropriate to the level of study and the discipline context

PL0 3.1 Compare different ethical theories and models of sustainable business.

PLO 3.2 Assess information relevant to ethical and sustainability issues from a wide range of sources.

PLO4 Our graduates will demonstrate professional and commercial/corporate awareness 

4.1.1 Identify and explain professional and commercial/corporate issues

4.2.1 Identify and explain debates in their global and/or international context

4.2.2 Critically discuss the global and/or international context


See the Moodle unit page for further details on resources (lecture slides, tutorial activities, reading list etc.)

Marking Criteria

See rubric below.

Step marking means using a restricted number of marks within the range of 0-100%. All marks would end in 2, 5 or 8 (e.g. 52%, 45%, 88% – the only possible exception would be 0%). The use of step marking shows the extent to which the piece of work meets a specific criterion within a grade range (e.g. 50-59%).

The work submitted must be your own.  All submissions are checked for originality using various tools such as Turnitin.  Please refer to the University’s guidelines https://www2.mmu.ac.uk/student-case-management/guidance-for-students/academic-misconduct/

Your marks and feedback will be returned 4 weeks after the date of your submission.

Group Work Guidelines (If applicable) N/A
Unit Specification Attached