Guidelines for Analysis of Learning Theory Written Assignment
In this course, Scholarly Teaching and Learning, we discuss various theories of cognition, or how people think, that have spawned many theories about how people learn, or learning theories. A learning theory is a coherent framework of integrated constructs and principles that describes, explains, or predicts how people learn. In Chapter 2 in the textbook (Oermann, DeGagne, & Phillips, 2018), you will find basic descriptions of major learning theories used in contemporary education. The references at the end of the chapter provide more information about the origins of each theory. In addition, Chapter 1 in the study of How People Learn (National Research Council (NRC), 2000), provides an overview of the development of the science of learning with evidence of applications of strategies teachers use to facilitate student learning.
Course Objectives related to this assignment:
1. Analyze theories about teaching and learning for appropriate application to the development of educational experiences that facilitate achievement of learning outcomes in various populations of learners in nursing.
2. Critique research about factors that influence learning in diverse populations of learners, and in various contexts in which teaching in nursing occurs.
Learning Objectives:
1. Explore various learning theories in order to establish one that best fits with one’s own learning experiences.
2. Analyze select learning theories in order to determine their relationship(s) with teaching behavior.
The purpose of this assignment is for you to explore at least one theory in depth in order to reflect on your own learning over time and to evaluate how your learning might affect your teaching. You will clearly describe the connections between theories of cognition and theories of learning This analysis will provide helpful information to you as you develop ideas for your Teaching Plan for a Learning Experience (TPLE).
The paper is to follow APA guidelines (2020) which specify including: 1) a title page; 2) brief introductory paragraph about the purpose of the assignment and any other information that will help provide context; 3) a description of the select theory including its author and a brief history of its development; 4) your rationale for selection of the theory; 5) an example of how the theory has influenced teaching; 6) a summary including a brief statement about what you learned by completing this assignment; and, 7) a reference list of resources used in the paper, including your textbook and at least two (2) additional resources. The resources/references should be cited throughout the paper.
The paper is to be no more than four (4) pages, not including the title page, reference list, and any attachments (optional). Please use headings to distinguish sections of content throughout the paper, which should be double-spaced using 11 or 12 point font. Evaluation will be completed within 10 days of submission and will be based on the Criteria for the Evaluation of Written Work (logic, literacy, completeness, accuracy and synthesis) that is located in the assignment guidelines section of the course.