Must be written in third party using APA 7 references
Essay to discuss the knowledge and skills required by the nurse to promote health and well-being for patients and their families.

Expected: identify the key principles of the role of the nurse in health promotion to enhance patient wellbeing. An example from clinical practice should be used to illustrate the nurses role. Needs to identify a public health issue appropriate to your field, obesity, smoking, diabetes, depression, drug & alcohol misuse. (Diabetes I think I would like to do please )

In your discussion demonstrate awareness of policy documentation in relation to health and well-being , eg, the wanless review of health and social care that took place in 2002 and other documents such as designed for life , welsh assembly government 2005, nhs wales delivery framework, welsh government 2013, delivering local health care, welsh government 2013

Discuss knowledge and skill required by the nurse when promoting health
Identify barriers to the promotion of health and the adoption of healthy lifestyle
Essay should be structured with introduction, main body and conclusion
The introduction should be approx 10% of the total word count. It should include an overall aim of the essay. Introductory statements about the content, the rationale, for choosing the subject, and some background information to support this. This should be supported by references to appropriate literature. You may wish to define health and health promotion in the introduction. The introduction should also include the planned layout for the essay and a statement that confirms the maintenance of confidentiality.

Main body- should develop in a progressive way. Do not use “main body” as a heading, but instead use subheadings to signpost what the subsequent section will discuss. An anonymous example from a clinical practice should be presented which describes the patient/family. This should be no more than 200 words.
Following your clinical example, discuss the knowledge and skill that were necessary for the nurse to perform the health promotion activity for example background theory, comm7nication and interpersonal skills. A discussion of the relevant policies that underpinned your activity should be identified. Especially in relation to the role of the nurse in health provision. Identify the barriers that occurred, could have occurred, whilst promoting health. This might include lack of resources inequalities in health, service provision. Support work with references using APA7, presenting a balanced argument relating to the key issues and academic style writing. Literature must be in date and appropriate for academic work to underpin and support good practice and maintain patient safety.

Conclusion – should account for approx 10% of the total word count, it should recap and summarise the main issues identified and included in the discussion drawing together the salient points learnt from the discussion included in the main body. There should be particular references to the role of the nurse in health promotion and the challenges. There should be no new information here but references should be included where relevant. You may wish to discuss implication for future practice and make some recommendations.

Within the essay students should draw upon relevant literature on health promotion in order to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the concept and its application to clinical practice.

A reference should be included at the end of the essay and references should be presented according to the APA 7 guide.

All names and locations must be changed in order to maintain confidentiality and a statement to this effect must be included in the essay.
This should be written as a third party following the layout.