Parenthood (1989) is a film that deals sensitively and humorously with family life and the stages of human development. The reciprocity between family members is poignant and mostly accurate (under the circumstances). The film depicts normal and abnormal developmental issues. Using short synopses of scenes from the film to make your point, you will write a 4-5 page (900-1200 words) analysis (double-spaced, 12 point font), focusing on the following: Analyze Gil

Gil is in his Middle Adulthood stage. Discuss whether Gil exhibits “generativity or stagnation”, Erikson’s psychosocial crisis for this age. Define both parts of the crisis citing textbook (6 pts – 2 pts each for defining both sides of the developmental task)

Evaluate the impact of Gil’s generativity or stagnation issues on his career, his family (kids, parents, siblings), and his marriage. Provide specific concepts from the textbook and examples from the movie that are related to this Lifespan stage in terms of career, family and marriage to support your answer. Cite both the movie and textbook in correct APA format (12 pts – 4 pts for discussing work issues, 4 pts for discussing family issues, 4 pts for discussion marriage issues using appropriate concepts)

Analyze Frank Discuss the changes you see in the character Frank Buckman (Gil’s father) throughout the movie from Early Adulthood through Late Adulthood using Erikson’s Psychosocial crisis in Early Adulthood, Middle Adulthood, and Late Adulthood. Make sure you discuss both sides of all 3 crises from each of these 3 stages (9 pts – 3 pts each for defining both sides of all 3 developmental tasks)

Evaluate the impact of Frank’s crisis at each stage on his family and his marriage. Provide specific concepts from the textbook and examples from the movie that are related to these 3 Lifespan stages in terms of family and marriage to support your evaluation on the impact of these crises on his family and marriage. Make sure you cite the movie and textbook in correct APA format. (12 pts – 4 pts for examples from each of 3 stages) Analyze one other character from either the Early Adulthood, Adolescent or one of the Childhood stages of Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory of Development.

Given the behavior and approximate age of the character you chose to analyze, explore which of Erikson’s psychosocial crisis the character might be facing. Using specific concepts from the textbook, support your choice of which psychosocial crisis your character is facing, making sure to define both parts of the crisis. (6 pts – 3 pts each for defining both sides of the developmental task)

Discuss the possible impacts of this psychosocial crisis on the character’s relationship with family and any significant others. Provide specific concepts from the textbook and examples from the movie that are related to this Lifespan stage to support your evaluation. Cite both the movie and textbook in correct APA format (10 pts)

Use either Gil or the character you discussed in Question 5 (do NOT use Frank). In looking at the character’s life 1 year from the end of the movie, what psychosocial crises would they now be facing? In your analysis, if you think the character will still be in the same psychosocial crisis, evaluate how you think they will have resolved the crisis at this point by applying 4-5 concepts from the textbook to support your answer. How do the circumstances at the end of the movie impact where they end up in 1 year? (20 pts) Because you are expected to draw from the theory and concepts in the textbook, be sure to properly cite any references in your paper. Your paper will be graded for correct APA citing in your answers (8 pts). Since you are citing the textbook you will also need a separate reference page for this assignment in APA format. (10 pts).