Principles of Business Excellence

Course Code: QLTY623

Assessment Strategy


Final Exam (Week / Session 16 – 50% of the course grade): This is the final element of the course assessment and accounts for 50% of the final mark. The Final Exam is a sit-in physical exam. The final exam would be in form of 3 to 4 essay type questions of ALL the material that are being discussed in the class during the semester in particular the course recommended textbook. It covers all learning outcomes of the course. In order to successfully complete the course, you should attend all sessions, take note of the issues discussed during each session, and review the course recommended textbook and all VLE material (articles, book chapters, digitized material etc.).

To be awarded a high grade for the course, you should use the theories and concepts of the course and support your arguments with evidence for real world local and MENA-based as well as international organizations.


Rubrics for Final Exam

Criteria (Marking scheme) Description
Clarity in writing and explanation

(Mark 0 to 5%)

Clear and error free writing and use of language of the course; focus on each aspect of the question; avoid general answer.
Accuracy of answers

(Mark 0 to 15%)

Answers are accurate and reflect on the course material (recommended textbook, All VLE material)

Logic of arguments

(Mark 0 to 15%)

Avoid too much details, avoid repetition and focus on the question. Answers and examples are mutually supporting and follow from one another. Course related theories/models/concepts must be used as a lens to discuss the practice of BE models.
Relevance to the concepts and theories of the course

(Mark 0 to 10%)

Show understanding of the course material and achieving the learning objectives of the final exam. Examples in support of arguments are linked to the adopted practices by local organizations.
Depth/Breadth of arguments

(Mark 0 to 5%)

Answers show a full understanding of the existing research, reflect on multiple points of view, and recognize varied interpretations and implications. Convincing evidence of attending lecture, awareness of argument discussed during the course, reading the course material –i.e. rrecommended textbook, All VLE material)
No Plagiarism

(Mark: University policy for plagiarism )

Rely on your own knowledge and understanding of the questions. Do not use others’ answer. Rephrase material adopted from other sources. Cite any material adopted from other sources correctly.

Grading Scheme for final exam: Based on the above assessment criteria you will be awarded a grade shown in the grading scheme of the course syllabus (i.e. A, B+, B, C+, C & F – see the course syllabus for more details on grading system). DO NOT copy others and rely on your own knowledge and understanding of the questions. Please DO NOT leave the exam hall quickly (minimum 1 hour). Read each question more than one time. Review your answers before handing over your answer sheet to the invigilator.

Sample final exam questions

  • Compare and contrast local/regional/international business excellence models.   Support your arguments with evidence from MENA-based (e.g. UAE) organizations.
  • Critically analyze the most widely used business excellence models adopted by the UAE-based organizations across the emirates (i.e. Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah,…)
  • Explain the vital role of top management/customer orientation/employee orientation/process orientation, benchmarking (and other criteria of business excellence models) in achieving business excellence. Support your arguments with evidence from MENA- (and UAE-based) organizations.
  • Critically analyze the performance impact of business Excellence models (e.g. EFQM, Deming Prize, MNBQA, DGQA, ISO 9000 series etc.). Support your arguments with evidence from MENA- (and UAE-based) organizations.
  • Discuss the motives behind the adoption and diffusion of business excellence models in public/private sector organizations in the UAE or wider context of the MENA region.
  • Critically analyze the adoption and performance impact of EFQM model in the UAE.  Support your arguments with evidence from MENA-based (e.g. UAE) organizations.
  • Define and describe categories/criteria of business excellence models (e.g. EFQM, Deming Prize, MNBQA, DGQA, ISO 9000 series). Support your arguments with evidence from MENA-based (e.g. UAE) organizations.
  • Explain the origin and nature of business excellence frameworks in the context of continuous quality improvement
  • K2 Discuss local and international business excellence frameworks and related quality awards in terms of criteria and award application process
  • S1 Evaluate business excellence frameworks for different organizational settings
  • S2 Conduct a systematic business excellence self-assessment exercise based on national (e.g. Dubai government excellence programme) and international business excellence frameworks (e.g. EFQM, Deming Prize, MNBQA)


Good luck