Is Schizophrenia disorder brought on by a genetic (biological) predisposition or is it brought on by the psychosocial (environmental) conditions surrounding the youth? Provide and discuss 3 main points to strengthen your position Back up your ideas! Choose one position-dont compare and contrast.

The assignment should be 1-2 pages in length

1) Statement about the importance of the topic-why does the topic matter?(1)
2)Thesis statement- what are you arguing in this paper (1)
3)Minimum of three areas of focus for the paper with a small paragraph (200 words) about each of them (consider these as headings under which you will write various points (3)

Writing style /mechanics
Writing is concise and relevant (1.5)
Vocabulary and word choice(1)
Spelling/punctuation/grammar (1.5)
APA 7th edition is used (1)

Research material
Atleast 3 recent (since 2012) peer-reviewed journal articles-listed in proper APA format with a description of each article (atleast 4 sentences long) (3)
Research articles suit topic,support thesis and areas of focus-evident by topics connected to your points listed in the coneptual area of grades on this rubric (2)