You will identify a business or organisational problem that requires an IT solution. This must NOT be a situation where a software solution is already in place.

You will produce a report of no more than 3000 words (+/- 10%), plus appendices, that identifies IT requirements, and contains a plan for the procurement, deployment, maintenance and support of the required IT.

The steps covered will include: sign-off of requirements, identification of at least two software options, selection of preferred software, identification of immediate and medium-term hardware needs, evaluation of the software/prototype and details of maintenance and security procedures.

additional note: Please use attached “RSO form” to be used in the coursework and also use “solution table” to be used in the solution section as the template. Also the business for the work is already chosen and its a “vintage clothing shop” and the work will be about “Creating an Ecommerce website for a vintage clothing shop”