Assessment 2 – Individual Presentation [including speaker notes 50%]
The scenario: An individual presentation using PowerPoint. You will not be physically presenting this presentation therefore will need to add speaker notes (text under each PowerPoint slide).
You are the creator of this new company entering the bag market that designs and sells unique tote bags based on LSBU’s EPIIC values (Excellence, Professionalism, Integrity, Inclusivity and Creativity). You are catering to the male and female market. What would be your key considerations in setting up the business, bearing in mind that this business will be based online. You are required to include the points below in your presentations:
1. Introduction to the new business, what EPIIC values mean and how that relates to corporate social responsibility (CSR). (5 marks)
2. Provide an analysis of the bag market; identify the key competitors of the new business. (5 marks)

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3. Provide an explanation of the different ways you can build your brand. In this section, outline the brand logo and slogan of the new business. You are also required to include an image of your bag design. You can use Canva (Graphic Design Company) to design your bag electronically. (10 marks)
4. Outline and evaluate the different ways of advertising and promoting the new business (brand) to reach your target customers using social media marketing (Instagram, YouTube, Twitter). You need to provide evidence (images) of your marketing campaign. (10 marks)
Note: The bag that you produce will be sold virtually using selling platforms such as Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Likes in this case convert to sales at the following rates:
A LIKE on:
Instagram = £5
Twitter = £10
Twitter Re-Tweet = £10
YouTube = £15 (one-minute video advertisement of your bags)
5. Provide an explanation of the importance of break-even analysis with references. You need to produce a break even analysis for your bag. You will need to make sure your fixed costs are £55 for premises and other direct overheads. The variable cost per bag will depend on how much it costs you to produce your bag. For breakeven purposes, you are producing as many bags as you sell virtually. (10 marks)
6. 10 Marks will be awarded based on the content of the presentation:
– Quality of presented materials (consistent fonts, colours, diagrams etc.) (5 marks) – LSBU Harvard style referencing has been used correctly. (5