Module assessment Sept 2020 cohort

This module requires one piece of coursework to be submitted online via the Aula Turnitin link. Coursework must be at least 40% to pass this module. You are required to produce a 2000 word critique of qualitative and quantitative research papers utilising a research appraisal tool to meet all three learning outcomes. Much of the work in this module will prepare you well for this assessment. You will be given time in the seminar group discussion forums to discuss and practice using the critical appraisal tool to assess the quality of research papers.

Assignment guidance

Produce a 2000 word (+/-10%) critique of qualitative and quantitative research papers utilising a research appraisal tool to meet all three learning outcomes below:

  1. Develop an understanding of a range of research approaches, designs and forms of evidence that can underpin nursing knowledge and decision making.
  2. Demonstrate understanding of the stages of the research process.
  3. Develop and apply skills of critical appraisal to assess quality of evidence.

NB: if you go over the 2000 word (+/-10%) limit you will be penalised by 10% of the awarded mark being deducted.

Using the critical appraisal tool recommended to you, assess the quality of the two primary research papers given to you.


  • Firstly, read both papers twice to gain a knowledge and understanding of the content.
  • Taking one paper at a time, use the critical appraisal tool to answer the questions about the paper. You will need to keep referring to the articles whilst you do this. Repeat this process with the next paper.
  • Compile a data extraction sheet as featured below to summarise the main points of the papers and their strengths and limitations. This will serve as a useful tool to help you to write your assignment.

Data extraction sheet format:

Authors & title Research aims or questions Setting or context


Participants Methods Main findings Strengths Limitations
Paper 1              
Paper 2              


Writing your assignment:


(approx. 300 words)


This needs to say what is going to be in the assignment. You can refer to the learning outcomes and this assignment guidance to help you write this section. For example:

·         This assignment aims to critically appraise two research studies…..etc.

·         Include one or two short sentences about why evidence informed practice is important for nursing decisions

Main body


(approx. 1,400 words)


Following use of the critical appraisal tool and completing your data extraction sheet, take one paper at a time, write up the main points of each paper (i.e. aims, methods, findings) and the strengths and limitations/weaknesses. Use the guidance below for each research study (you are NOT comparing the studies with each other).

NB: Do not just describe the studies. The main aim of the assignment is to appraise the research methods to assess the quality of the studies.

For example:


Research approach:

What approach did the researchers use? Qualitative or quantitative and what is the difference (two or three sentences only). Then consider specific approach: E.g. ethnography, cross sectional study, phenomenology, randomised controlled trial (RCT), etc. Briefly explain what this approach is, why it was used, and if it is appropriate for the purposes of the study.


Study methods:

Explain the study methods:


Title and aims:

·         Is it clear what the study is about and is the reason for conducting the study justified?

Author credentials:

·         One sentence about whether the researchers seem suitably qualified/experienced to carry out the research will suffice.



·         How did they recruit participants? What sampling methods did they use? (e.g. purposive, convenience sampling, random sampling, snowball sampling, etc). Why did they choose these methods? Do these seem appropriate for the aims?

Data collection methods:

·         What was their data collection method? E.g. For interviews: how did they conduct these – structured, semi-structured, using a topic guide? If it was participant observation – explain what this is and how they went about it? If it was RCT, did they have control group? Was it double blinded?, etc

·         Explain the strengths and limitations of these methods and if the researchers got the data needed.

Analysis and results/findings:

·         What analysis methods were used and why?

·         Does the data explain how the findings occurred? E.g. in interviews were direct quotes from participants displayed to support the findings? Was the statistical data presented and explained?

·         Do the researchers discuss any problems/issues that arose and what they did about them? E.g. if questions were unanswered on a questionnaire.

Ethical considerations:

·         State if the study gained appropriate ethical approvals

·         Consider discussing informed consent, participants right to withdraw, protection of confidentiality/identity, safety of participants/researchers.

·         Consider ethical principles.

Comment throughout the assignment on the quality of the research studies, as appropriate (refer to Ellis 2019 critical appraisal tool):

For qualitative studies:

·         Rigour

·         Dependability

·         Credibility

·         Confirmability

·         Transferability

For quantitative studies:

·         Bias

·         Confounding issues

·         Validity

·         Reliability

·         Generalisability and representativeness

Conclude with a short paragraph about the quality/usefulness of the study as a form of evidence to nursing practice.

You will need to support your work with references from appropriate professional/academic sources. You must utilise essential and recommended reading sources from the module guide and reference lists from lecture notes.


(approx. 300 words)

This should summarise the main points of the whole assignment. No new material should be presented.
Reference list Insert your reference list, strictly adhering to the university APA referencing guidance.
Appendix Insert your data extraction sheet.


Additional guidance:

  • You will need to refer to the HLS Undergraduate marking criteria for the standards we are looking for (at the end of this module guide).
  • Ensure you read professional nursing and academic sources for your expansion of knowledge, understanding, and to support what you say in your assignment. The reading lists are a good initial source.
  • Regularly refer back to the learning outcomes, assignment guidance and referencing guidance.
  • Ensure you reference correctly and appropriately and are familiar with how to avoid plagiarism (see online induction modules).
  • Proof read your work as spelling and grammar software does not pick up all mistakes.
  • Submit the assignment in Microsoft Word as one document ensuring module code, student ID, double line spacing, page numbers, and your actual word count are included.
  • Ensure that you are familiar with Turnitin submission guidance. Check your similarity report well before submission. Make sure you have plenty of time to submit the final version.