For this assignment, you will write a 2-3 page paper that builds on the discussion board for the week on Human Rights. NOTE: You may not select Article 16 used for the discussion board. In your paper, you should:

Identify an article from the University Declaration of Human Rights; (1 point)
Identify the one most significantly related Human Need from Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs; (1 point)
Identify a potential social work client group or practice area where this issue is likely to surface; (3 points)
Research the prevalence of your issue globally. You should provide a brief review of the literature that indicates how frequently your issue occurs, if there are certain parts of the world that experience more difficulties than others, if there are certain populations more affected by your issue than others, etc. (NOTE: the questions on prevalence should be used as a guide for the type of information to provide, not as specific questions that must be answered). (5 points)

As an example, let’s say you identify Article 3: Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person from the UDHR. The related Human Need from Maslow would be safety and security. You might decide that a social work practice area is child abuse, and you would then go do some research about the prevalence and forms of violence against children around the world.

You should consider using websites such as the United Nations (United Nations Human Rights (Links to an external site.)) both to get some current information on your topic as well as identify some potential areas of interest. Other websites include the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC (Links to an external site.)) or the World Health Organization (WHO (Links to an external site.)).