CLass: Cultural Epidemiology
Academic Style: Chicago
Reading: Saethre, E. (2013). Illness is a weapon: Indigenous identity and enduring afflictions. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press.Locate THREE pieces of evidence used to support Saethre’s main argument. Evidence can be one of 3 types: 1) citation of another researcher’s work, 2) statistical information or information from documents like census data or letters, or 3) people’s stories/quotes (a key part of ethnography!) INSERT those three pieces of evidence (one of each type) below, being careful to cite properly (quotation marks and page numbers). Explain what the evidence means and why the author used it to support their argument. (6 points)

What conclusions does Saethre draw? Don’t forget the quotation marks and page numbers. (3 points)

What sections of the book are unclear to you? Why? Describe the passages (what was being discussed) and include the page numbers. (2 points)

Find at least 5 new words or other researchers referenced by the author. Write a one-sentence definition of each word (or introduction in the case of another researcher). (2 points)

Link ideas and concepts from the corresponding chapter of Trostle, or to other articles we read in class. Your answer should be 250-350 words and should include TWO meaningful (not tangential!) connections. (6 points)