22In creating your plan you should use your textbook(chapters onlearning, motivation and emotion), as well as my lectures, and the website link on altruism posted to eClass, but you MUSTalso useat least 1 of the peer-reviewed articleslisted below.You can find these articles using the York electronic library databases, but I’ve also posted them on eClassto make it easy.Abolghasemi, H., Hosseini-Divkalayi, N. S., & Seighali, F. (2010). Blooddonor incentives: A step forward or backward.Asian Journal of Transfusion Science,4(1), 9–13. Godin G, Vezina-Im LA,Belanger-Gravel A, Amireault S. (2012).Efficacy of interventions promoting blood donation: a systematic review. Transfusion Medicine Review,26, 224-376.Grading Rubric(out of 20 points)Introduction(approximately 1 paragraph in length) -2 points.oStart your assignment with a brief introduction to altruistic behaviour, followed by a brief summary of the essence of your planto be presented in the subsequent body paragraphs. Your Program/Campaign(approximately 4 paragraphs in length) –12 points.oHere you should clearly identify the aspect of altruistic behaviour that you’ve chosen, and explain how it informs your plan/how it would be applied in your plan. You should do this for each of 4 different aspects of altruistic behaviour as they apply to 4 different parts of your plan. That is to say, you can’t just have one plan of TV ads, for example, and then explain that one plan using 4 different aspects of altruism. I want to see 4 distinct parts of your plan justified by 4 different aspects of altruistic behaviour. oFor each aspect of the 4 aspects of your plan, the point breakdown is as follows:o1 point for explicitly defining the aspect of altruistic behaviour(e.g., the reciprocitynorm refers to a social norm that suggests we do for others what we would expect them to do for usin return).o1 point for explaining how that aspect of altruistic behaviour applies to or informsthe specific aspect of your plan (e.g., If your plan involves highlighting how you would want their to be blood available ifyou,or someone youlove to need it in an emergency, you would explain howthis aspect of your plan pulls on the reciprocity norm).o1 point for choosing an approach that focuseson content and distribution of the campaign, the role of educators/physicians, combating the fears of donating blood, role of intrinsic rewards, and/orthe manipulation of emotions to increase donation(e.g., Your plan may involve a social media campaign and accompanying hashtag that makes this point about the reciprocity norm, and each of us playing our part to help each other in times of need).Conclusion(approximately 1 paragraph in length) -3 pointsoSummarize why you feel that your plan is the best plan to increase altruistic behaviour and would be helpful/effective in increasing rates of blood donation. –1 point.oIdentify and explain 2 challenges you might encounter in implementing your plan? –2 points.
33Writing Quality/Format/Citations –3 pointsoYourpapermustnotexceed3double-spacedpagesinlength.TheTA’swillnotmarkanymaterialafter3pages.Thisisafirmrule.Yourassignmentshouldbefreeofgrammar,spelling,andsentencestructureissues.Istronglyencourageyoutohavesomeoneproofreadyourpaperbeforeyousubmit.YourassignmentshouldbestructuredinAPA7theditionformatandTimesNewRoman,12-pointfontwithnormalmargins.Yourpapermustinclude:anAPAformattitlepage,APAformatin-textcitations,andanAPAstylereferencelist.Youarerequiredtociteatleast1ofthe2peer-reviewedarticlesIprovided,andmayalsochoosetocitethetextbook,mylectures,and/orthewebsiteonaltruism.Noothersourcesaretobeused.Ifyouuseothersources,youwillnotreceivemarksfortheportionsoftheassignmentthatrelyonthosesources,sopleasefollowtheinstructionscarefully.YourpapershouldNOTrelyondirectquotesorword-for-wordcopyingofsectionsofthetextbook,article,ormylectures.ThisisyourpaperandIexpectyoutoputallbutthedefinitionsinyourownwords.Pointswillbedeductedifyourpapercontainsorreliesupontoomanydirectquotes.IfyouareunsureaboutAPA7theeditionformat,followtheguidelinesoutlinedonthiswebsite:https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/general_format.html