Assignment 1: Research


1600 40% Each student posts  proposal to Turnitin



Via Turnitin

Research Proposal

Equivalent to 1600 words

A market research proposal document explains the intent and purpose of a research proposal while describing the techniques and methods of conducting research. It usually requires an executive summary, background context, problem definition, methodology, secondary data analysis, timeline, budget and appendices.

Each student will prepare a formal proposal for their chosen research project.

Workshops and tutorials provide opportunities to develop trial and edit proposal content.

No further primary research is required, other than piloting scripts and question papers, interview, focus groups etc. Students are expected to pilot their drafts with other students in seminars.  Feedback is to be included as a part of reflective learning in the final proposal.

Further guidelines can be found in the assessment folder in the module Blackboard.

Feedback: Each member of the group receives their own electronic copy of the feedback and grade via Turnitin.

Group marks apply unless the situation warrants grades on an individual basis.

*Referencing: For the purposes of producing as professional a proposal as possible, students are advised that in-text referencing may be limited to images, charts etc.

Please pick one

  1. To evaluate the effectiveness of semestrisation for CCCU students and staff.
  2. To evaluate the quality of Canterbury Night- life through the perspective of CCCU students.
  3. To evaluate the effectiveness/efficiency of student support in CCCU.
  4. To evaluate the effectiveness of Graduate Scheme in CCCU
  5. To evaluate the impact of Stoptober campaign on CCCU students and/or staff.
  6. Student own topic – to be agreed with the tutor by next week
Percentage Review of Literature Relationship of theoretical perspectives to practical circumstances Organisation of documentation or such other media as may be used (Appendices, referencing, bibliography, etc.) Focus of Assignment Clarity of Reasoning
0-39 Fail Some reading but weak selection and uncritically presented. Some awareness of relationship between theoretical perspectives and practical circumstances but insufficiently articulated to illuminate either the theory or the practice. Organisation is weak and study route is unclear. Supporting material is only partially available and referencing is weak. Some sense of focus but not articulated in key questions. No reflection on relationship of key questions to study and little awareness of issues involved. No sense of direction and no conclusions. Embryonic sense of argument but poorly expressed lines of thought. Some connections between succeeding sections.
40-49 Fail Adequate reading. Limited critical presentation. Little recognition of issues apparent in reading. Some awareness of relationship between theoretical perspectives and practical circumstances with some articulation. A recognition that light might be cast over each by the other. Organisation is sufficient to support the study. Most supporting material is represented in appendices and referencing is adequate. Bibliography is limited.  

Some sense of focus and partial articulation in key questions. Little reflection on relationship between questions and study and limited awareness of issues involved. No relationship between key questions and conclusions.

Sense of argument but conclusions do not always follow from premises. Lines of thought discernible but weak. Some sense of connection between sections and sub- sections.
50-59 Pass Adequate reading. Some critical presentations and a recognition of the issues implicit in the literature. An adequate awareness of the relationship of theoretical perspectives to practical circumstances and a clear articulation of this relationship. Some indication of an awareness of the way in which each illuminates the other. Organisation is sufficient to support the study. All supporting material is presented and the referencing is sound. Bibliography is adequate. Key questions acknowledged and reflection on relationship between questions and study. Some awareness of the issues involved and discernible relationship between objectives of the study, i.e. questions to be answered and conclusions. Argument reasonably expressed. Most conclusions following from premises. Lines of thought clearly discernible and reasonable connection between sections and sub- sections.
60-69 Merit Good reading – well selected from key texts. Critical analysis of literature and good recognition of issues implicit in literature. A sound understanding of the relationship between the theoretical perspectives and the practical circumstances and a clear articulation of this relationship. Analysis of the light that each casts over the other. Organisation fully supports the study. All supporting materials are well presented and ordered. The referencing is accurate to a high degree. Bibliography is good. Key questions clearly stated and sound reflection on relationship of questions to process of study. Issues well covered and conclusions informatively related to objectives of assignment. Arguments reasonably expressed. Conclusions follow from premises. Lines of thought clearly discernible and well reasoned connection between sections and sub- sections.
70 and over Distinction Excellent range of well selected reading. Good critical analysis of text including original observations. Issues implicit to literature made explicit and argued through. An excellent understanding of the relationship between theoretical perspectives and the practical circumstances and a clear articulation of this relationship. A clear analysis of the illumination offered by each to the other and an awareness of any general issues that might derive from this particular instance. Organisation is excellent and supports and complements the study. All supporting materials are well presented and in good order. The referencing is accurate to a high degree and the bibliography is impressive. Good questioning with clear expression of relationship between questions and process of study. Good range of issues identified and distinctive approach to dealing with them. Conclusions clearly related to objectives of the assignment and expressing a degree of originality. Well argued throughout. Clear and logically expressed.
Reader is comfortably taken through the work easily apprehending the general line of the argument.