Book Review Essay: The student is required to read a scholarly historical book. that is at least 200 pages or more of text. Or you can choose a book on any historical topic from the timeline of this course and submit it for approval.  A scholarly historical book is one that is written by a historian, professor, or credible expert in that topic and is appropriate for a college-level review. You must submit the title, date, author, and number of pages for my approval, through the assignment link. (See the course schedule for title submission due date)

Explain the thesis of the book (what is the author’s argument?)
Short summaries of chapters or themes in the book.
Explain the 5 W’s (who, what, where, when, why).
What is the author’s credibility (is he/she a historian or scholar?)
Does the author provide scholarly resources?
The review should give the reader a good understanding of the book including length and intended audience.
The essay should be 3-4 double-spaced pages, with 1-inch margins, in Times New Roman 12 pt font.
In-line citations and a bibliography must be used. (See Read & Write for citation information). Papers submitted without citations (including in-line with page numbers) will receive a zero…
Your paper should be written in the third person: Use words like “he”, “she”, “it”, “they”, but never “I”, “we”, or “you”