You are to assume that you have been appointed as an advisor for a critically acclaimed legal drama series being shown on TV. The director has asked you to come up with a storyline involving tort liability and the relevant legal arguments that would be presented in court.

1) 400 word storyline which addresses negligence, economic loss, employer’s liability, Rylands v fletcher, Defamation and Confidentiality. No referencing for part

2) 1600 word discussion of the legal issues surrounding the storyline that you created. Part 2 should be referenced using OSCOLA. Part 1 and 2 should be dealt appropriately with relevant case laws, defenses and Remedies.

a) Draft a fictitious but realistic scenario of a situation involving Torts and explain the legal issues that surround the situation.
b) Analyse the key aspects of Tort law, including knowledge of contemporary debates.
c) Evaluate the appropriateness of different approaches to solving problems in the Tort law field.
d) Apply legal knowledge to complex real-world legal problems.
e) suggest a range of solutions to a Tort law problem.
f) communicate understanding of Tort law to both specialists and non-specialist audiences.