Prepare a Draft: Scholarly Literature Review

Be sure to address the following:

    • Determine the commonalities among the articles for each (sub)topic. (topic of interest is Resilience of English Learners; subtopic can be similar to my topic). For example, did authors use similar frameworks, materials, or participants? Are any studies an extension of another?
    • Determine the differences that exist among the articles for each (sub)topic that you identified. If there are contradictory findings, you may (or may not) be able to identify methodological differences that could account for the contradiction (e.g., differences in measurements or participant demographics).
    • Select general conclusions you can report about a subtopic, given the relationships you inferred from the group of articles within each subtopic.
    • Consider the relationships between scholarly sources within each subtopic and drawn conclusions within each subtopic. If you take a step back and look at the entire group of subtopics and your work thus far, what overall general conclusions can you draw?

Some questions to consider include: 1) What are some general observations on the topic? 2) Are there overall themes or patterns in the literature? 3) Do the patterns or themes suggest future areas of inquiry? In this process, did you discover that you need to return to the literature and search for additional resources? Please explain.

Ensure that you identify and consider the theoretical frameworks presented in the literature you are reviewing (see Bloomberg & Volpe, 2008; Ridley, 2012). In this paper, focus on synthesizing and providing a critical analysis of the literature from at least 15 peer-reviewed sources.

Avoid simply describing one study per paragraph: Your goal is to develop an integrated synthesis of concepts, ideas, and findings. The last few paragraphs of the review should summarize the trends in the literature that you have observed and build a bridge to the need for additional research within the area.

Length: 10-pages minimum (does not include the reference list)

Your literature review draft should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.