We would like you to complete a reflection on your learning here. The reflection should be about 2 pages long…You can use the NMC template if you would like or write your own. You can use a model of reflection if you would like such as Gibbs or Borton.

NMC template:

Hand Hygiene task Instructions
1. Using the resources attached teach another person (either over zoom or face to face with someone who you live with/in a bubble with) how to wash their hands using the 6 steps

Things to consider and reflect on the study
It may be helpful to plan your teaching session
What information are they going to need?
What resources might you need or help you to teach this skill?
How will you assess they have learnt this skill? (i.e they may demonstrate the hand hygiene / hand washing back to you)
You could ask for feedback from your leaner which will help you to reflect on the session and help you in future when teaching patients, other students and staff in practice. Feedback from teaching session form is also attached which could be completed by your leaner and then used to help guide your relfection on this activity

Here is a nice website explaining Gibbs