One of the most meaningful manifestations of love is service; however, many people fail to see those opportunities to serve that are present in everyday life.

Your assignment is to select 2 of the suggestions listed below and carry them out.

1. Check-in on someone in need (neighbors, family members) – Check-in with someone via a phone call or a “virtual” meeting via Zoom or FaceTime to see how they are doing.

2. Do something thoughtful for someone in your home – this can be helping with household chores, undivided attention, or uninterrupted time to themselves.

After completing your activities, write about the activities selected and how you felt love was manifested through your actions. Do you think service is something that you will regularly make a part of your life? Why/ why not? Offer your suggestions for additional activities you will incorporate in your life. This should be about 1 1/2 pages if possible.