LLAW60572020–21: International Securities Law Course Examination: Take–home Assignment1Instructions1.SUBMISSIONSmust be made by candidates working alone. Collaboration is forbidden.This assignment accounts for 37.5 per cent of total course marks.2.YOUR ANSWER shall total approximately 3,000wordsin length,excluding footnotes. The purpose of this rule is to encourage cogent legal scholarship. Any material shortfall or excess will be penalised by at least onegrade–step, such as from A–to B+.Please type using double spacing, 3 cm margins, a normal serif font such as Times New Roman and 11 point type.Please number the pages, and include in the header yourUID and the course code LLAW/6057.Please state your full university number and the assignment word count (excluding footnotes) on the front page. DO NOT INCLUDE YOUR NAME ANYWHERE IN THE PAPER.3.Your submission must be POSTED as an MS Word file with a completed cover sheet to the course’s Moodle website by no later than 1700 HKT, Monday22March 2021. LATE SUBMISSIONS will be accepted ONLY with the PRIOR AGREEMENT of the relevant course instructor expressly before the due date. Any late submission may be penalised at a daily rate of 5 points out of 100.4.This is a formal examination. All University of Hong Kong plagiarism rules (explained at http://www.law.hku.hk/researchintegrity/) will be applied strictly. TransgressionsWILL result in a FAIL gradewith the probability of subsequent disciplinary action under HKU’s statutes (see p1).This is not a research paper and answers need not be heavily footnoted BUT all quotations, citations or references to original or published material MUST be properly footnoted, that is, complete and consistent in academic style, and capable of being accessed by the examiner. For example, the Hong Kong Law Journal style guide is simple for users of all academic backgrounds, see https://www.law.hku.hk/hklj/house-style.php.You may not refer to unpublished material, lecture notes,or material of any kind or authorship prepared for other examinationsat any institute of education.Citing in support of your analysis any non–attributable, fluidweb sources such as Wikipedia, Investopediaor similar financial websites is poor scholarship and PROHIBITED.5.Answersmay be posted at any time before the due date.Good luckwith your submission!

QuestionThe long–established ‘legacy’stock exchanges of many leading jurisdictions have undergone rapid and profound structural changessince the early–1990s. In many cases these have been followed by radical shifts in control and ownership,the exchange’s direct or delegated regulatory responsibilities,new commercial objectives,and in heightened competition for sources of revenuewith private ‘dark pools’and other trading platforms,as well as with overseas exchanges.Write acritical appraisal of how these developments have affectedboth users of exchangesand parties with indirect interests in the exchange’s operations, and consider whether they risk being incompatible with applicable corporate laworgovernancedoctrines,leadto differences in the treatment of users, or produce irregularities in applicable financial regulation?Your analysis need not be confined to any single jurisdiction, but you must provide examples only where legacy exchanges have undergone significant recent commercial, organisational, constitutional and regulatory changes.END OF QUESTION

Submission instructions1.Prepare your submission as a MS Word file:a)Complete the cover page (available at the course site) by adding your UID and word count2.Uploading your files to Moodle:a)Enter the HKU Portal at https://hkuportal.hku.hk/login.htmlb)Select “My eLearning”c)Select the relevant Moodle coursed)Upload your Assignment Cover Sheet (available at the course site)e)Upload your submission, making sure that it states your UIDMore information about Moodle may be found at http://moodlesupport.hku.hk/cms/?q=students/indexThe system will remain open until 72 hours after the stipulated deadline. Latesubmissionsare subject to penalty determined by the course instructor. You are strongly advised to uploadyour draft submission well in advance of the deadline to ensure that you are able to upload thefinal version. The system allows for unlimited numbers of resubmissions until the finaldeadline. The latest version of your uploaded file will overwrite any older versions.To ensure proper citations and avoid potential plagiarism, you may upload your draftsubmission to Moodle before the deadline and viewthe Turnitin Originality Report.3.Viewing the originality report:a)Go to the relevant course in Moodleb)Click “My Submission” tabc)Click the “Originality Report” icon under the “Similarity” column4.ProblemsIt may take several minutes to upload asubmission atpeak times. Do not panic! The system will not reject your fileand the time when you begin uploading will be recorded as the official submission time, even if the report of receipt only appears later.If technical reasons prevent you from uploading your final submission you should notify the course instructor by email, and send your submission file to lawpaper@hku.hkby the stipulated deadline