 A 750 – 1,000 word introduction including
o your teaching context (age group, specifics about your school/community context,
content area, etc.) learning model(s) you plan on utilizing and why (e.g., problem-based-learning, etc.)
– include the story of how you came up with your unit idea and what is “novel” or
“exceptional” about your approach
o the timing in the school year you plan to utilize the unit and why; you may also
explain how this week of lesson plans fits into a larger unit if appropriate
o the specific ways did utilized all nine strategies throughout the week- long unit
(Actually list the strategy, the way you used it, and when you used it – include
citations from the Dean et. al. text to describe how you utilized what you learned
about best practices of each strategy. In other words, don’t just say you used
“cooperative learning.” Say you specifically drew on the importance of
“interdependence and individual accountability” to help make the cooperative
learning run smoothly.)
o the articles/blogs/sources you drew on to help you come up with ideas (properly cite
sources using APA format)
 Learning Objectives: can be listed for each day or for the entire unit, or both
 Standards: most of you can draw from CCRS; others of you can link to other curricular
standards that link up better to your discipline
 Materials needed for each day (This should entail a minimum of a five-day unit.)
 A sequential list of step-by-step detailed instructions for each day. These should be written
in excellent detail so that your instructor can really make sense of your teaching choices.
Highlight or underline each time you are drawing on one of the nine strategies so the
instructor can note this.
 Additional attachments for all resources needed: Also include any resources that will be
needed in your week-long plan (e.g., worksheets, PowerPoints, rubrics, etc.) Do not just
mention them in your sequence of steps. Actually include them on the Word document or
attach them as separate files in your submission.
 A 1,250 – 1,500 word reflection in which you discuss:
o how writing this unit stretched you as a teacher
o what was difficult, what was easy
o how will you judge the success of the lesson
o particular challenges, barriers, and opportunities you feel that implementing these
strategies well in the future might present
o At least 1,000 words of your reflection should include your biblical integration:
How does your Christian worldview inform how you take up these strategies and
models of learning in your unit and your development as a teacher?
 We as teachers are the best of “borrowers!” This is encouraged as long as you properly cite
your source for an idea, for a worksheet you adapted, etc. You should properly give credit
both within your lesson plan AND at the end in a list of references.
 You should be citing more than just the textbook in this total project package. A minimum
of 8 total references are required to show you have done your due diligence in educating
yourself and bolstering your unit.
 Remember – you must include evidence in your introduction and within the daily lesson
plans themselves that you are integrating each of the nine strategies using the best practices
outlined in the Dean et al. text, at least once each throughout the week. Many of you have done a lot of the legwork in applying these ideas to your classroom in
written assignments or forum assignments. Feel free to draw on the connections and ideas
you have already begun!
 View the rubrics for your unit proposal and final unit (Appendix C) before beginning to
ensure you clearly understand the aspects you will be graded on for this project.