Critical incident happen at classroom to you as teacher.
[12:08, 20/02/2021] Giuma Reeh: • What happened, where and when? Give a brief history of the incident.
• What is it that made the incident ‘critical’?
• What were your immediate thoughts and responses?
• What are your thoughts now? What has changed/developed your thinking?
• What have you learned about (your) practice from this?
• How might your practice change and develop as a result of this analysis and learning?
[12:09, 20/02/2021] Giuma Reeh: evidence of standing back from the event;
􀁸 an internal dialogue – a conversation with oneself that considers alternative
􀁸 evidence of looking at the views of others, considering the alternatives and
learning from them;
􀁸 seeing the significance of the passage of time on reflection;
􀁸 noticing of other, possibly unrelated events that affect actual behaviour
and/or subsequent reflection;
􀁸 awareness of reconstructing the event in retrospect – creating a story that
may not be ‘true’.
􀁸 recognition that there may be no conclusion and still things to be learnt from a
􀁸 reflection on one’s own process of reflecting (metacognition).