You will select a historical or current international security treaty to describe and analyze the effectiveness and sufficiency of the treaty as it relates to homeland security and international security cooperation. The final project will be an 8-10 page paper using the format specified in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.) and covering the following major topics:

Background of the treaty, including identification and analysis of the forces and events that brought about the treaty.

Describe and analyze the conditions and elements of the treaty in relation to current U.S. national security policy.

Describe and analyze the benefits and threats to U.S. national security policy and the impact on our regional allies.

Make recommendations if the U.S. should remain committed to the treaty and consequences if U.S. withdraws.

Regarding the selection of a treaty for your paper, please review the following carefully. The treaty must be an actual treaty – not a draft treaty, not a proposed treaty, not a treaty that has been completed but is not yet in force.

There are three elements in the life of a treaty before it is a no-fooling, lock’em up, bonded-in-steel treaty:

Signing of the treaty.
Ratification of the treaty.
Entering into force of the treaty.
Only after all three of these steps have been completed is the treaty an actual treaty.