Writing Assignment Week 1-Legal Duties

  • -Review the 14 Duties (which are uploaded in the additional materials) of Athletic Personnel and the two duties that relate to my job are:
  • Duty to plan
  • Duty to assess an athlete’s readiness for practice and competition
  • Duty to instruct properly
  • -Discuss what each duty involves and requires and what its purpose is (i.e. what situation is it trying to avoid or correct).
  • -Give examples of how your program complies or fails to comply, with the duty; remember, and importantly, do not use “I”, “we”, “us”, “our”, etc. use 3rd person objective.
  • -If your program failed to comply, suggest changes that need to be made and the next steps;
  • -If your program complies, explain what happened to cause the program to do what it does, how it is done, and problems it had getting it done.
  • -Use APA 7th edition writing style – Please go to the APA Resources Tab and review the materials. Pay particular attention the Sample APA Paper under this tab (required title page formatting, abstract, etc.). An abstract is required. An author’s note is not required.
  • -Your paper can be limited to 750 words (most computers will have a word count under “properties”) but if you need more – then go ahead.
  • -You must include a minimum of two references that are cited in the body of your paper and that also appear in your list of references.