Week 8 – Audience Analysis Assignment

According to Chapter 1, Aristotle identified “three time-tested appeals that speakers and writers can use to reach almost any audience, labeling them pathos, ethos, and logos… Used in the right way and deployed at the right moment emotional, ethical, and logical appeals have enormous power” (Lunsford, 2019, pg. 26).

For the Video Argument Presentation, you have two audiences who will view and review your presentation: your instructor and your classmates.

For your instructor, ask yourself what will it take to convince them that you’ve done a terrific job of presenting an argument? Hint: pay close attention to all the requirements for the assignment and be passionate about your topic.

For your classmates, your informed and intelligent peers, what do you know about these audience members and what will they expect from your presentation?

For this assignment, write up two substantial paragraphs addressing the following:

Paragraph 1 – How will you persuade your instructor that you’ve done a good job on your Video Argument Presentation?

What will your instructor be expecting from you?
Use the rubric and what you know about your instructor to determine these criteria. Sometimes just thinking about the person who grades your work as an audience can help you appeal to them.
Paragraph 2 – Describe how you intend to appeal to your second audience: this term’s classmates.

What do you know about your peers? Really stop and think about them. Remember, each of them introduced themselves to you in week 1 and you’ve been hearing from them each week since.
What are their demographics – age, gender, educational level, etc.?
What do you think will influence or persuade them?
How will you use pathos in your presentation? Be specific.
How will you use ethos? The more you think this out, the better.
How will you use logos? You should use all of these big three!