To develop a comprehensive self-portrait that will be useful in understanding and developing yourself as a person and manager.

Project Format:

Part 1
A. Describe your goals (i.e., what career/job would you ultimately like to have, or if you are in your dream job, use that job). What is it about this career/job that makes it so desirable?
B. Describe this career/job in detail. What duties are involved? What type of person is best suited for this position? Include personality attributes, etc. like those discussed in your self-assessments and class content. Be sure to do some research here (i.e., talk to someone who holds the position, research the job requirements, etc.)

Part 2
Describe the results from at least 10 of the various assessments and exercises done in and out of class. What did you learn about yourself? Did anything surprise you? What results did you expect/not expect to see? Explain. Do not include the actual printouts of your assessments in your report. Discuss only the assessments that you strongly agree with, that you strongly disagree with, those that surprised you in some way, or those that are applicable to the job you’re describing. Some of the assessments will indicate that you are in the middle range and may not be that interesting to you. You do not have to discuss these assessments.

Part 3
Describe how suited (or not) you are for the position described in Part 1. Explain why. Discuss where there are similarities and differences between yourself and the attributes needed for the position.

Part 4
Choose an area or two where there are differences between your attributes and those required for the job. Describe how you are going to try and alleviate those differences. Devise a plan, based on goal-setting theory, on how you can overcome them. For example, if you find that you cannot handle stress very well, and the position desired is highly stressful, describe how you can better deal with stress (i.e., attend a stress reduction class, etc.). Be specific about your plan. Outline it in such a way that you will actually be able to follow it. Include a timetable.